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WW Activity Points question
Hi peers,
For those that do WW, has anyone tried to guestimate the equivalent number of Activity Points based on the number of calories exerted (as told by a piece of cardio equipment, say). For example, I lift three days a week, followed by 40 minutes of interval training on an elliptical machine. On those days, I burn approx. 200 calories lifting, and about 600-650 calories on the elliptical. The other four days of the week, I do straight cardio on a treadmill and/or stationary bike, at a fat-burning heart rate (~121), for 75 minutes. On those days, I burn around 400+ calories.
I've been allowing myself 1 Activity Point for every 100 calories burned.
Am I fooling myself? Underestimating?
Advice welcomed,
Fri. May 23, 1:26pm
I also do WW and have for a while, I have their pedometer that counts points for you based up on active exercise time and here is what I have come up with in the end:
- 1 pt for every 15 minutes at moderate-high - sweating - exertion levels
- 1 pt for every 20-30 minutes for low exertion levels
- If you spend the day out at an activity with yourself or your kids/friends/family, I earn a point for every hour I spend on my feet moving around no matter what it is that we are doing, as long as we are up and out and about doing something.
I think you may be earning a lot more points than you should with the 100 cals/pt. I work out on an ellipital for 35 minutes and burn 400 calories in that time - I take 2 pnts for that workout not 4.
Friday, May 23, 2008, 1:46 PM
Elliptical machines tend to overestimate the number of calories that you burn on them. I find, via cardio, it's very very hard to burn more than 100 cals in 10 minutes. So, in 45 minutes, I'd think you burn around 400 calories, not 600-650. But that's just a guess. You burn approx. 100 cals by walking/running 1 mile, and I think an elliptical workout is no harder than running a 10-minute mile (and is sometimes easier), so I figure the cals burned couldn't be much more.
I don't do WW though, so I don't know how it translates into activity points.
Friday, May 23, 2008, 1:54 PM
activity points
I use a HRM to track my calories burned. In 75 minutes of water jogging I burn 705 calories. In 30 minutes on the elliptical I burn 322 calories. So would I get 10 extra points that day?
Thursday, April 16, 2009, 8:47 PM
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