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PT is asking you for your best Diet, Fitness, Health idea

We are developing a mini-guide to help new and existing users in their journey. There is a ton we have learned, and ton we have seen work in the community. We have a bunch of ideas, and we know you do as well. There is a lot already in these threads, but we are looking to draw out a list of ideas, insights from the community members. Please email us with one idea, in a minimum one or two paragraph response, and can be as long as you want. You can submit multiple ideas, but they need to be different emails.

The three best responses will each get a $100 gift certificate to Amazon and send the emails to customercare at peertrainer dot com. We willl be running this until the first of July. Please keep in mind that all submissions could be published as part of the guide.



Fri. May 23, 11:47am

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Fitness Idea

My best idea is to think long term. I had to get in shape because I wanted to join the Army. I was 35 lbs overweight when I started talking to a recruiter. I was too heavy to run without having my knees hurt. So, I started out walking and bought an inexpensive road bike and helmet from Wal-Mart and shorts from a cycling store all for less than $200.

I would walk or bike each day for about two months, and then I started to run at a track. At first I was just running one mile a day, but I gradually added a quarter mile to my runs until I was able to complete two miles. At that point I joined the US Army and they make you do physical training everyday.

So, my idea is to think long term, be consistent, push yourself from time to time, but also have periods were you are just going through the motions when wokring out, and eat for a purpose not for fun or to console yourself

Monday, May 26, 2008, 10:28 PM

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The PT way to lose weight!

The best idea that PT has offered to me was to delete me because obviously someone (which accused me of having health issues) sent a complaint to PT regarding me because i replied back to this person with a rather intense attitude. Of course the reason was because i as being practically harassed by this person... However i never complaint to PT about it. This person though did and PT in a very one-sided, absolute, nazi way simply deleted my account, erased all my logs, my username, everything over night... PT did not even ask me why i did that or to apologise if i did something wrong... Also they didn't even reply to my emails concerning the issue... Even though i am a person who has been on PT for 1.5 years and has successfully lost 40pounds by changing my lifestyle incorporating a healthy approach to food. Thx PT. This was the diet lesson that PT gave me... And, oh boy, let me tell you how much it has worked! Thx PT... Thx for deleting someone who has created 2 teams with more than 100 members in each one. Tx for deleting me without even being interested to hear my point of view or apology.
Thx PT for showing me the way to continue my weight loss effort...

Monday, May 26, 2008, 11:01 PM

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hmmm...10:28...I like that tip...perhaps I'll be e-mailing that tip to PT to try and nab that $100 prize ;)

11:01 - huh?

Fun idea, PT! Can't wait to see the THREE!

Monday, May 26, 2008, 11:51 PM

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Diet Idea

My best diet idea for losing weight is cooking everything from scratch - almost no processed foods. This gives me control of what goes into my body. I control the amount of fat and sodium in the foods I eat. I leave the salt and butter completely out of many recipes and do not miss it. I also do not consume a lot of preservatives and chemicals this way. The food I cook is fresh, delicious, and has much more flavor than any TV dinner or fast food on the market. Along with exercise and cutting portions, this has really helped me to lose weight.

Monday, June 30, 2008, 4:39 PM

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Read the freaking post before you reply - SUBMIT BY EMAIL.

Monday, June 30, 2008, 5:58 PM

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soooo the contest is over today right? when will we know who won the gift certificates?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 6:35 AM

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I can't wait to seethe new ideas.. this path is about learning and taking that knowledge and putting it into action..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 9:44 PM

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Hi guys- we have many great ideas from you all, and we are going through them. It will take a little bit to get through so bear with us.



Thursday, July 3, 2008, 9:32 AM

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