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Pot(s) Calling The Kettle Black

Four of my co-workers, one of them male, have no problem making comments about my weight. I wear a size 14-16, but from their comments you would think it took a crane to get me out of bed.

Today, as I was getting a step ladder to reach for a box, one co-worker commented that maybe she, being that she's lighter, should get on it instead. I made an obviously fake hearty laugh and brushed it off. I had a vicious comeback for her but I held my tongue. You see, she is thinner, but she often gets asked when is she due and people offer her their seat on the train when she boards.

Another, who is one of the slimmest in the office, also makes comments. What kills me is that she'll tell me stories of how she goes home and eats four peanut butter sandwiches WHILE she is heating up dinner. The third was instructed by her doctor to lose 20 lbs. and is borderline diabetic. She'll make comments about the small cup of soup I have as a snack while eating a granola bar with 25 grams of sugar. The male co-worker, jokingly bounces in his chair as I walk down the hall as if to say that I'm so heavy I cause tremors. This co-worker gained 20lbs in little over a month (NO LIE) by have 2-3 Whopper Juniors for Lunch and a large order of takeout from anywhere as soon as he gets home. He convinced himself that his weight gain was all muscle.

The only reason why these comments don't get to me often (sometimes they do) is because I know it is their way of feeling better about their own bodies which they hate. I have a pretty vicious tongue when pushed too far and I feel it coming on.

Does anyone here have people like that in their lives.

Tue. May 15, 9:46pm

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