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Breast Implants
So I have lost about 50 pounds and it seems that about 25 of those pounds came from my boobs =( Just wondering if anyone out there who has had that issue went for it and got breast implants?? It just seems so unfair to have a rockin' Body and Zero breats!
Wed. May 21, 10:58pm
I bet you look great! More then a handful is just too much!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 11:01 PM
A close friend of mine was 270 pounds and went down to 180! She looked great, and healthy, but her breast shrank and really sagged, so she went for it and did the implants.
She looked amazing!
Now - that said, tiny breast are gorgeous and waaay underrated! Look at Kate Hudson - tiny little A cups but it looks perfect!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 11:07 PM
Let me just tell you that - YOU DONT WANT EM!
I am about 150 pounds and I swear 20 pounds of it is in my chest. I can never find anything to wear. NO shirts fit me. NO dresses. ABSOLUTELY NO bathing suits!
I hate having big breast. If you dont have em, you never know how miserable it is.
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 12:25 AM
Had Mine Done !
Svelte at 130, and went from an A to a DD.
They are wonderful !! No regrets and I would recommend to anyone.
Clothes fit me wonderfully, I look and feel incredible.
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 8:50 AM
Just do your research. Buy a bra in the size you'd want to be, and stuff it til it's full. Then try on things like button-down shirts, etc.
It depends on your shape. I'm a 32DD with a 26" waist, and to get a button-down shirt that fits the boobs, it's way too loose in the waist, so I look heavy. And, any of those flowy-type dresses/tops, well I just look pregnant, b/c they hang straight down from the boobs. Also, lots of tops that my coworkers could get away with wearing to work (like modest v-necks or scoop-necks), I cannot, b/c there's a good amount of cleavage that shows. Finally, any spaghetti-strap dress, it's hard to find a strapless bra that'll stay up and has a normal shape, so they're out. And most empire-waisted tops/dresses, the empire waist will hit me mid-boob instead of below the boobs, b/c there's so little material above. The v-neck dresses/tops that kinda look like string bikini tops - that's not a good description, but maybe you know what I mean - look beautiful on flatter chests, but on me, I just look like a prostitute if I even try!
So, just think about what you want to be able to wear or buy easily.
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 12:18 PM
I have breast implants, and love them. I was a d in hight school then I lost a bunch of weight and went down to a b and now im back up to a c...and they are wonderful...
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 2:12 PM
Cheers to those who are also happy with their smaller boobs :)
I guess I'm fortunate - I've never wanted to be bigger than my 34Bs. I had much bigger boobs during and after pregnancy and when I went running after having the baby, my first thought was, 'Geezus! HOW do people run with these things???' The only advantage I can see to having bigger boobs now is that I could get away with carrying these last 5 pounds. Without the weight up top, I do need to lose them to look as good as I'd like.
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 8:22 PM
Thanks for all your imput but I want to make it clear. Its not about the size. I dont want HUGE boobs. It more about the shape and lift. I look like one of those women on the cover of national geographic. You know, the banana boobs that hang to the knees. Shape would be nice.
Friday, May 23, 2008, 11:01 AM
See a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breasts. You may need a little strategic reshaping instead of implants.
Friday, May 23, 2008, 1:15 PM
Or just a good bra :) Doesn't help when you're naked, but it is cheaper!
Friday, May 23, 2008, 4:05 PM
A good bra didn't help my 32As...and I was tired of taking my false boobies out and putting them away at the end of the night.
I had mine done last year and also did not go huge. I just went up to a C. They look and feel totally natural and I am very happy.
Good luck with your research and decision.
Friday, May 30, 2008, 11:34 AM
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