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I love red wine.

I can't give it up. CANNOT!! I can still have my wine and lose weight, right? I've heard that you can't get a slim waist if you won't give up the alcohol but does red wine fall in that category?

Wed. May 21, 12:03pm

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Of course you can get a slim waist and still drink alcohol. The key is moderation. Don't sit down and drink an entire bottle in one sitting but you should be able to enjoy a small glass with you dinner, etc. Just make sure the calories fall into your daily range and you'll be fine. This is coming from someone that reached and maintains their goal without cutting ANYTHING from my diet.
Good luck! You'll only fall off the wagon if you deny yourself everything you enjoy! What is the point in that??

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 1:08 PM

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Just realize, a 5oz serving has around 100 cals in it. At 5oz per serving, that's 8 glasses per bottle, not the "usual" 4-5 glasses. At that size, it's more like 170 cals per glass. Find room for the calories in your diet by cutting something elsewhere, and you'll be fine.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 1:38 PM

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heehee - your question made me think "well she must b/c it's not like any of those skinny starlets are abstaining from alcohol for their tiny waists"!!!

I think like with everything else, the key is moderation and COUNTING the calories in your daily "budget"

I think that the alcohol/weight loss "warnings" are more about that it can affect your blood sugar levels and make it harder to stay on track ... and of course the fact that there ARE calories to be counted.

I'm a beer girl myself which is even higher in calories ... the summer time is hard b/c it seems like the second I sit out in the yard, or fire up the BBQ, I'm thinking ... mmm a beer would be nice ;) I have not eliminated beers but I make sure that I am aware ...


Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 1:54 PM

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Exactly - I have to measure it out and write it down. I work really hard to make healthy food that's just as good or better than a nice restaurant and I love to pair good food with good wine. Just be aware of the calories and it can fit - maybe not as much, but I've learned to sip 'n savor.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 4:14 PM

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