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I don't handle stress well at all. I have a job interview tomorrow and I am freaking out.

Help. I want to do well and I want this job. How can I relax.

Wed. May 21, 11:28am

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take a deep breath and relax. easier said than done, i know.... but it will help a lot. do some controlled breathing exercises and think about the positive things you have going on. good luck and let us know how it goes!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 2:09 PM

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Find someone to practice with! Go through scenerios that might cause you to panic and then make a strategy to deal with them....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 3:07 PM

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BE CONFIDENT! You can do this and you KNOW it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 4:01 PM

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List your strengths and weaknesses. Pick out your clothes and make sure they're laudered and fit right. Re-read your resume. Practice with a friend. Go online and find lists of commonly asked interview questions and practice answering them out loud (this seriously helps you get in the interview 'groove'). Read up on the company. What are they doing right now? Have they been in the news for anything lately? Think about the things you want to ask the interviewer and write down a list. Interviewers like interviewees who take an interest and want to know about the place they'll be working. Ask them about the specifics of the job, their culture, their priorities for you, their plans for the future. As a company/product-line, etc - what are their strengths and weaknesses? Overprepare and you'll feel a lot more secure.

Take a deep breath, remember to stand and sit up straight, look the interviewer in the eye, smile pleasantly, give a nice handshake and then do your best. We're rooting for you to win, and we'll commiserate if it's not your best day - now go kick some butt! :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 4:10 PM

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The same way..

I know how you feel. I'm the exact same way. I went on one the other day and right before I walked in I thought I was gonna pass or my heart was gonna fly outta my chest !! :(
My parents always tell me, don't worry they are people just like you and you have nothing to lose. Go in there and try your best, and be yourself. If its meant to be its meant to be. Just be confident in yourself and smile. I know you can do it !!

Friday, May 23, 2008, 3:49 PM

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Breathe and remember you don't have to be perfect.

There is no perfect, just you, the organization you are interviewing with and the job they are trying to fill.

If all of those things feel like a good fit, then you may get the job. If they don't, you probably won't. Either way it is OK. You will find that good fit, which is what you ultimately want.

Think of it that way.

Also, think about this interview as YOUR interview of the company. Does the culture feel right to you? Is the job seem to be something you would like to do?

I used to do interviews to hire people. I used to get nervous too so know you are not alone. It is stressful on both sides.

Wishing you the best OP. Hope the match is a good one...or the next one down the road is.

Friday, May 23, 2008, 5:07 PM

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So, OP - how did the interview go??

Friday, May 23, 2008, 5:08 PM

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