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Grocery store food

You know how grocery stores sell premade salads, fruit salads, yogurt and fruit cups, etc. Somebody told me once that they made them out of the food that was going moldy or was about to expire. I thought it was ridiculous at the time, but since then there have been several occasions where I have picked up a fruit salad or a salad and there had been mould in it. ewww!

Is there anybody that knows if there's any truth to this, or has it just been a few unfortunate coincidences?

Sat. May 17, 5:51pm

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Definitely unfortunate coincidence..

Why would they purposely put out old food??

Saturday, May 17, 2008, 6:32 PM

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6:32 here

That's my opinion anyway.

I dont have any background in the grocery store 'field'.

.. at my work (coffee/baked good chain), I cant say we've never dropped anything on the floor and used it anyway.. (Eww, I know..) But nothing is ever moldy or spoiled. That's nasty.

Saturday, May 17, 2008, 6:34 PM

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I don't about the pre-made salads, but I have been in the checkout line and had the checker tell me I should go and get another head of cauliflower, since the one I had was "re-wrapped", and probably had mold on it. If they are willing to re-wrap produce after it had been moldy, it's possible they take whats left over and make it into a salad. The shelf life of the pre-made items is usually pretty short.

Sunday, May 18, 2008, 12:00 AM

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