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America's Next Top Model!!!!
So Apparently now size 8 is a "plus size". Whitney won!!!! I didn't follow this season at all and only caught the winner!!
Comments please??
I have read she is 5'10" and a size 8.
I have to say I am shocked because she photographs like any model I have ever seen and was quite resentful of her being called a plus sized model.
Wed. May 14, 9:16pm
I felt the same at first. Although they did clarify at the end that she is just generally beautiful, not just "full figured" or "plus sized." Also, during the show Tyra made it clear that she is only plus sized in the modeling world (I'm not sure of the exact size but I think the outfits runway models wear are all the same tiny size - either zero, or one) she would have to have outfits specially made for her. Which is great! Women aren't all the same size in reality! The runway should reflect that.
I knew Whitney was going to win because I know Tyra's all about promoting the different sizes of women. It almost felt biased towards that idea, but at the same time I know (and respect) what she's doing - it's something that needs to be done. France is already speaking out against the super thin models. After all, they are models and so many women see them and expect that for themselves. More importantly the anorexicly thin look is getting too popular. It breaks my heart to hear my ten year old sister call herself too fat.
By calling Whitney plus sized and crowning her the show made an attempt to embrace all different sized women. Although, you're right, she's really not that big to begin with.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 9:47 PM
I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of this one in the mainstream than we've seen of past winners because a lot of clothing designers/lines are starting to get on board with putting normal-sized women in their ads. And if past attempts to include plus-size girls in ANTM are anything to go by, it's not that easy to find hot size 8-10s who exude body confidence, which Whitney has never faltered on. I just wish they hadn't made her over into a blond - it seems kind of generic and just feeds into her Valley-Girl way of talking.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 1:07 AM
I have an issue with terming of "plus-sized" for a size 8 - yes I understand it is as per the modeling industry's standards. What does that do for the average woman's mindset?
I am a size 8, and look pretty good, but I am not 5'10" - are you kidding me?
My morale just went out the window.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 7:51 AM
PP, it's too bad that you let a reality t.v. show determine your morale. Maybe if that wasn't the case there would be more beautiful women of all sizes that are confident, and the lack 1:07 mentioned wouldn't exist.
1:07, I agree about her hair by the way. I think she looks trashier blonde, especially with those enormous curls!
- 9:47
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 8:15 AM
hey, so my wife and sister were tuning in last night (I've never watched) and they asked me right before the judging, "Which one is prettier" ? And I looked for a while and I was like - "neither" - I didn't think they were that good looking in the face (I guess they were trying to see if I thought the "normal sized" girl was not pretty because of her weight?), but I thought the skinnier girls long nose and wide set eyes were unattractive and the other girl did not look good as a blond - and to be honest her face did look a little unhealthfully chubby. (I have definitely seen much prettier girls...but then they showed other shots of them and they looked better)
so I guess what i am trying to say is that I guess all that makeup and lighting and fancy clothes and haircuts to me make them look not attractive
- I just like normal without the full court beauty press.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 10:42 AM
whitney having an "unhealthy chubby" look to her face? Puh-lease!! The girl could easily gain 20lbs before it's going to affect her health.
When I was watching the show previously, they said Whitney was a 12- which is usually what a plus size model is- plus sized clothes start at 14, plus size models a 12, occasionally a 10. Why they're now saying a size 8, who knows.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 6:16 PM
I never thought a size 8 was fat, but I was looking at photos of Whitney and I was thinking to myself, "hm, she is chubby." I don't think she's fat and I don't think she -needs- to lose weight, but she still looked chubby to me (and didn't look like what I thought a size 8 looked like). I feel badly for thinking like this, but she just doesn't look like a model to me. I don't know if it's because I'm used to seeing only a certain type of woman as a model or because I really just don't find her that appealing. Usually when I see models I'm a little envious and wished I looked like them, but I don't get that with Whitney.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 6:38 PM
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