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where do i go?
where do i go to weigh in my weight each week? help im new
Tue. May 13, 4:18pm
This isn't a Weight Watchers meeting. You just note it in your Log.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 4:21 PM
Wow - Infuriating!
Past Poster- that was so rude, she just said she was new. Original Poster, it depends on how you want to do things. There are challenge groups/teams that have you log your weight weekly. I'm in one, but there's no set rule that you have to weigh in each week. Peertrainer is (usually) really open minded. Please don't get a bad impression from that last rude comment. This message board is a different story, people are anonymous so they let their aggression out here. Join a few groups and teams and browse their logs and comments. See what you like and how you want to do things, and than narrow them down if you want to. I mostly only come to this portion of the site for a good laugh from time to time. Most of the questions asked here are either riduculed for being repetitive or they're full of ignorant comments like the one you just read. Ask your group, your team for advice or questions about the site. It's your best bet!
I hope I helped!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 5:48 PM
I put it in my goals section. I started daily - then as I had been on here for a while I did weekly - now I do weekly for the current month and only keep a history 1x monthly. (I still weigh myself a few times a week - just dont always log.)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 6:25 PM
I wasn't rude, Ms. Hyper-Sensitive Attention Seeker.
My answer was brief and to the point.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 7:10 PM
Your second sentence was brief, the first one was not needed. I believe the OP's ref to "go" was meant in a virtual sense this being a virtual community.
OP: Welcome to the group!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 10:55 PM
some people aren't happy unless their dinks to everyone else. ignore the rude, oh sorry-to the point--comment.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 12:20 PM
I interpreted the OP's "weigh in" the same way the second poster did because the use of these words is so associated with Weight Watchers, and would have answered the same way. If you don't project the worst possible tone of "voice" on it, it's not rude.
I would add that some of us find it annoying to scroll every day through long lists of weights in the "goals" sections of profiles. Definitely do put your weight in your log. :-) And enjoy PeerTrainer! Good luck with reaching your goals.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 12:56 PM
this is 6:25
That is why I changed from daily to weekly to monthly w/ current weekly updates - the longer i was on PT the more annoying my goals section got. I have only been on for 5 months so I have 4 monthly historicals plus 2 updates for this month - when the month is over i erase everything but the one for the month.
a side note - the REAAAALLY long goals sections drive me insane! I left a group one time because a member had one of those and I could not stand reading it every day. (plus the group was very inactive).
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 1:04 PM
Rude or not doesn't matter much. The chances are high that the OP is one of vast majority who log in once and never return. Maybe she went somewhere with a weigh-in.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 2:26 PM
hah - i logged on once and was addicted. I was google'ing calories in something and the calorie wiki came up. I explored a min. - turned to my boyfriend and told him "I found something amazing". Been hooked ever since.
I dont know how people can log on once and then never come back.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 3:45 PM
I agree - love PT and have been diligent since my first log on....AND I've lost 10% body fat since doing so. Woo Hoo!
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 6:51 PM
Weight Ticker
There is a site : where you can go to create a weight or BMI countdown ticker & a weight chart to chart your progress. then you can copy those to your profile (in the goals section) and it shows up on your log.
When I weigh in every week, I update my ticker, and note my weight in the "My Notes" section of my log for that day. When I look at my log, I have my ticker & my chart which shows my progress.
This somewhat eliminates having to scroll past miles of weigh-in data.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 11:39 PM
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