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Who would even want to live to 100 years old?
I read all of these books about how to extend your life, how to live to a 100 and the things you can do now and I think, why would I even want to live that long? I think about my children having to support me, and not being as spry and having to rely on others. Doesn't sound even remotely fun or something I'd want to do.
Sun. May 11, 1:50pm
"The things that make you want to live to be 100, are the things you can't do in order to live to be 100 years old" I think Woody Allen said that.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 2:30 PM
Perhaps we could learn or discover more effective methods for healing and health, and then maybe age 100 could be the new age 40, and our lifetime goals would evolve to include an assumption of 70, 80 or more years of active, fresh, supple adulthood. What goals might we consider possible if we knew we had 70-90 years for trial and error towards a goal? Maybe I would be more willing to take time out to sail around the world? Maybe I'd be more willing to invest time and attention towards accomplishing what seems impossible in only 40 years of active career? If we can dream it, maybe we can do it.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 4:50 PM
I guess it depends how healthy you are. I have a grandmother who is 90 and lives in an apartment (among a retirement complex), takes care of herself, gets out to church, daily walks, grocery shopping and community activities. She doesn't "rely" on anyone for day-to-day living, and she's still loving life. I would love to be the same way!
But I also agree, if your quality of life is poor and you need assistance with regular activities, like eating... maybe 100 is too old.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 8:50 PM
? ?
Okay OP here is the simple answer:
If you live to 100, probably when you are 80 you will be as active and healthy as someone who died at 70 would be when they were 50, so then you are getting THIRTY extra years of actual active, do whatever you want awesome life.
so, of course, your question begs the question, if you are not pleassed with being alive, why not change how you are living ? ? ? ?
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 9:16 PM
To the 4:50 poster: live your dreams! Who cares how many years we actually have left! We can't possibly know. I could have this one year left and that's it. Do what you want to do in life now. Sail around the world, make it happen - you really can do anything you want!
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 9:18 PM
heres where
quality over quantity really serves its meaning huh? 50 great years over 100 useless ones. but if i could live 100 ones that were great, i guess thats good too, though i dont really have the will. but it would be neat to be 100 and still volunteering in the nursery at the life come in as you watch your own go out. i'm sure being 100 has as much purpose as being 25.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 9:47 PM
My Mom is 73 and runs 30 miles a week, Dad is 72 and I can still see his abs! They still love to party, travel, and indulge on weekends! I have two aunties that passed at 101 and 96 and they enjoyed travel, reading, gardening etc. almost 'til the end. Dad says he takes care of himself so he can get to the grave with as little problem/pain as possible;-) The one commonality I see with all these folks is they do not spend their time stationary or watching TV. to catch up on my soaps...;-)
Monday, May 12, 2008, 12:46 AM
My great grandmother is turning 91 in July. She still lives by herself. She cooks her own food. And she still drives a car! She's still completely independent. If I could be like her, I wouldn't mind living that long!
Monday, May 12, 2008, 9:35 AM
wow 12:46 great genes.
It comes down to quality, not quantity. I would love to live till I was 100, so long as I have all my capacities, and independence
Monday, May 12, 2008, 9:40 AM
My great grandmother recently passed at 101 and it was only the last 2 years that her quality of life went downhill. Most of the women in my family live a long time and they all have lead good lifes pretty much up till the end.
Monday, May 12, 2008, 1:09 PM
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