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I've been on PT since July 2007. I started at 170, am currently fluctuating around 138, and would like to be in the 120s by this coming July.
However it seems like it's soo hard to get past this plateau. I set a calorie goal of about 1400 a day. On a bad day I end up at about 1700 but that happens maybe once or twice a week. I do what I can on the treadmill (fast walking, jogging for a few minutes at a time)
This is what I've been doing all long (calorie counting I just started in April so I probably ate
back then when the major weight loss was happening).
Does it just take some MAJOR fine tuning to get there? I mean, my point is, does it get harder as you have less weight to lose?
Sat. May 10, 11:53am
Not just fine tuning, but big changes and really pushing yourself. Yes, it does get harder as you have less weight to lose.
If you REALLY want to lose, you have to get those 1700 days down to 1500, and the 1400 down to 1300. Log every bite that goes in your mouth.
And, lift weights. I can GUARANTEE that if you start lifting 3x a week for 45 minutes, plus 3-4x cardio for 45-60 min (and you have to PUSH yourself - crank up the incline on the treadmill, start alternating jogging/walking for a few minutes each for a full hour) you will start to see your body shape change within 2 weeks and you could lose 10 pounds by July 1 (15 by July 31.)
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 1:02 PM
OP here,
thank you :)
That helps a lot.
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 1:49 PM
I don't know how tall you are, but that could very well be you're natural healthy weight. So you may be able to put in the extra effort to lose a few more, but maintaining it is unlikely and could lead to a backlash (bingeing, etc). Just be conscious of the pitfalls.
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 4:58 PM
Aside from the minutes of cardio recommended I agree with 1:02pm :) I get great results doing everything 1:02pm recommended with the exception of the cardio. I loathe cardio machines, so it's 20 minutes tops for me, but I WORK those 20 minutes. And I WORK those 40+ minutes of strength, so I get cardio there, too. I lost my last 20 pounds in no time (about 1.6-2 lbs a week) when I took up the strength training (and kept my calories in check.)
Anyhoo, keep your eating in check and whatever exercise you do, you've just go to really push yourself and make every minute count. And CONGRATS on your great results so far!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 6:07 PM
4:58, I'm 5 foot 2 and I can grossly see that I still have a lot of work left to do. I'm getting there, but I'm definitely not done yet. As for being able to maintain once I'm there, I will try my best but that's not for a while yet.
6:07, congrats on your success also :) And thanks for the advice.
Saturday, May 10, 2008, 7:15 PM
OP - 6:07 here. I'm the same height as you and my starting weight was where you are now. You can do this! If you get down to business now you can get to your goal weight - whatever that may be - with plenty of time to still enjoy your new summer wardrobe :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 6:58 PM
Yes, you can do it - I am 5'3" and thought that 140 was the lowest I could ever get. Then I really took a look at what I was eating and put more effort into exercise and lost 20+ pounds.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 8:46 PM
One piece of advice
let me give you just one piece of advice, people are always saying, "why diet ______ instead"
well that is just BS.
To lose weight and get to where you can maintain you are going to be a little bit hungry quite a bit of the time. That is the real solution, not telling yourself that you don't have to be hungry, but teling yourself, I am going to be a little hungry for quite a while here and that is just fine. Just like, I am going to have a mild stomachache for a few months. No problem, then after you change you will level off.
you CAN do it.
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 10:00 PM
OP here
Thanks for your advice, everyone :)
It helps to hear it from people who've been there, done that, or are still going through it.
Monday, May 12, 2008, 9:26 AM
Hi OP - I am your height/goal weight, and started a group, if you want to join!
It's called "Bust Your Rut (and your gut)"
Monday, May 12, 2008, 10:28 AM
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