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Post-run headaches

Does anyone else get bad headaches after a long run? I have been increasing my milage recently and I noticed that about 30 min-1hr after a long run I get a terrible headache. I am thinking it has do to with electrolyes?

Thu. May 8, 5:26pm

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I have had problems afer running too long or working out too hard. I have found having protein after works for me. Also making sure I've drank enought water.

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 9:54 PM

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Sounds like an exertion headache. That stinks :( You can probably Google 'exertion headaches' and get some info on how to prevent them. Good luck with your running, though. Are you in training for something?

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 10:48 PM

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Okay, so I was curious and Googled it and found this:

(p.s. good call on the protein, pp!)

Barbells and bedrooms

Exertion headaches kick in shortly after vigorous physical activity, such as heavy weight lifting or aerobics. To avoid sudden fluctuations in the blood vessels, cool down after intense training instead of stopping abruptly, and mix low-impact options like swimming or walking into your routine. Dehydration and low blood sugar could be triggers as well.

To prevent them, drink plenty of water--6 to 12 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes--during exercise, suggests Jeff Kotterman, L.M.S.N., director of the National Association of Sports Nutrition in San Diego. Within 30 minutes after a workout, eat a 1-to-3 ratio of protein (whey, turkey, or cottage cheese) to simple carbs (fruits like bananas, apples, and strawberries). If the pain returns, breathe slowly and deeply, ice the source of the pain, and rest in a dark room--or take a walk, preferably in fresh air.

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 10:52 PM

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