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How should I feel?

Recently I have started taking spinning classes, which has been a big challenge for me. During the class my heart rate stays mostly between 80%-93% of maximum. Sometimes during my workout I feel a little sick, and I am wiped afterwords. My question is, if I'm trying to lose weight is it helpful to work that hard on a regular basis? The way I used to work out I wasn't that sweaty after, but now I'm drenched. I know harder is better, but since I've started working like this, I've stopped losing weight. Does anyone have experience with this sort of situation?

Thu. May 8, 12:57am

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I can relate. I love, love spinning. But when I first started, I did what you did and had the same results..not to mentioned I was constantly exhausted the rest of the day. I got a heart rate monitor and kept my heart rate between 120-130..depending on what type of cycling it was (uphill, running, etc) I had to slow down a lot which is hard when everyone is going much faster and you want to "keep up" but what ended up happening is I lost weight, and had more energy the rest of the day. Obviously your heart rate would depend on your age and health etc. But I would say try slowing down (or easing up on the resistance) and see how your body feels.

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 1:02 AM

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The beginning is always tough...

especially with Spinning. Take it down a notch and gradually work your way up. Make sure you have PLENTY of water. I normally take 2 1Liter bottles with me and then drink another liter when I am done. Also have a snack about 45 minutes before you start and then right after you are done. That should help with the blood sugar and help you feel less drained.

oh and about the's great! It cleans out your pores, makes your skin more supple, and is just overall a great feeling! enjoy!

Thursday, May 8, 2008, 5:55 AM

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