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Chunky yet firm thighs but slender top half?

I am a us size 4-6 and have a 27 inch waist, toned arms and shoulders but no matter what i do my legs stay kinda chunky. Now i dont mean fat but kinda big. My thighs are 22 inches. As you can see compard to my waist they are fairly big. They dont look out of place or anything but if anyone else has this problem and has solved it I would appreciate your help.By the way I am only 5'3'' so have shortish legs to start with.

Tue. May 6, 3:34pm

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I have "chunky" legs. Its just my german heritage - i hate it but live with it. I have started running and mountain biking a lot which definately doesnt help, but I would rather be strong and fit than have slender legs.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 3:59 PM

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I bet that doing high reps of target specific exercises like leg lifts would help the same way sit ups & crunches target the abs and stomach.

I use a website called ifit for workouts. I can use my laptop and their website to control my elliptical for a HUGE variety in workouts. they also have yoga and stretching routines.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 4:07 PM

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You can't spot reduce. The only thing you can do is burn fat and get your body fat down to nothing. It sounds like all your fat is stored in your legs - welcome to my World! Just keep at a calorie deficit and burning fat and it will eventually have no choice but to go away. It's probably the first place you gain and the last place for you to lose! Good luck and just stick with it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 9:46 PM

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Op-My waist is 27 inches and my thighs at their biggest are about 21.5 and I feel like I look really proportionate. (i'm 5 ft 4) Your legs are probably more normal for your size than you think.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 10:07 PM

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I have this, too. I am 5'-6". Size 4-6. My thighs are 22" and my waist 27". I, also, have German heritage, but I had no idea that's where this body shape comes from. I am in pretty good shape, but my thighs are definitely last when it comes to losing.

I have, recently, learned to embrace my figure. We're pear-shaped, and that's so feminine and beautiful! OP, I bet you look great!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 4:42 PM

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yup german although I am sure it depends on what part of germany you come from. A few years ago I travelled across europe - when I got to germany I was like "wow, these people look like me!" Definately a heavier build (this was the northern part of germany which is where my family is from).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 4:56 PM

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