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Wheat allergy
If you have a wheat allergy, when did you know? How did you find out? What were the symptoms?
Mon. May 5, 6:14pm
I didn't realize that I was sensitive to wheat until I went on a moderately low carb diet. When my little rashes, hay fever, and digestive problems suddenly disappeared after about a week or two, I did some research and a little experimentation with my diet, and realized that wheat and I do not get along very well. I can still eat a little wheat from time to time, but I do much better without it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 5:39 PM
Most people I know with a wheat/gluten sensitivity had IBS-type symptoms (gas, bloating, irregularity, abdominal pains, etc) and just gave up wheat/gluten foods for two weeks. If the problems go away, there you have it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 6:55 PM
Found out when I was 25. Via elimination diet. Though to be abundanlty precise, it is a wheat intolerance, not an allergy, as the reaction is not specifically a histamine response.
Symptoms: almost immediately after the consumption, I get a scratchy throat and find myself doing that ahem throat clearing thing. Within an hour or two, I'm incredibly tired (and it's not a carb crash). If I try to do any kind of workout post wheat consumption, I'm terrible, and prone to having what appears as an asthma attack (don't have them if I don't eat wheat). I also find I get incredibly moody and sensitive when I have wheat- (like PMS moodswings on steroids- oh, you're 5 minutes late for our date? It's because you don't think I'm pretty enough and you don't love me and I'll never find anyone kinda reaction...)
Personally, after a month without wheat, I no longer needed meds for depression, migraines, asthma, acid relflux/ulcers or allergies. The non-wheat thing was the only thing I changed in my diet that could possibly explain the changes. Now, when I have a little wheat, I notice the probs it causes. Sure, the odd time I cheat, however I take N-Acetyl D-GLucosamine to alleviate some of the symptoms, but I have cheated on a Friday and spent Saturday sick in bed.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 7:52 PM
I don't know that I have a wheat intolerance (I am the poster who was asking in another thread about a gluten-free shopping list.) but I have been reading up on celiac disease. This is some of what I learned:
Gluten sensitivity is different, more common, and not as serious as celiac disease. However, "if the problems go away, there you have it," is not really a good approach because it's important to know which you have. The reason that you should find out is that celiac has a large genetic component, and also can cause a lot of damage to someone who has it before they have GI symptoms. Also, there is a test for the gene that causes celiac.
So, for instance, if it turns out that you have celiac disease, your biological parents, siblings, and kids should get tested for the gene. It could save them a lot of damage down the line.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 5:37 PM
As the 7:52 poster, there is also a difference between those of us intolerant to wheat, and those intolerant to gluten. I can have spelt, kamut, rye, etc., but no wheat.
And unfortunately, many gluten free products do me no good as they use corn as a starch, and I'm also corn intolerant.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 8:03 PM
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