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ahh moment

Have you ever seen your mom do something, and suddenly realize - omg that is where I get that from! I was at a dinner with my mom the other day, and watched her eat, she was eating so fast, just pushing it in like we were going to run out of food or something. It hit me like a bucket of rocks! I didn't even realize I was doing that until I sat and watched her. Why we do that, I don't know, I am trying very hard to slllooooooowwwww down and enjoy my food and know there is plenty to go around. It was just such a weird moment.

Mon. May 5, 4:21pm

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I was a Hoarder, meaning that I ate maybe 500 calories throughout the day and then gorged at the dinner table. It wasn't until I fixed the bad habit that I noticed that's what she does. Now, for the first time in her life, she's 20-30 lbs overweight and one of the things I'm trying to talk her through is breaking this famine-then-feast cycle. She actually listens to me because I've walked the walk, and it was a far greater distance than she's dealing with.

Monday, May 5, 2008, 4:55 PM

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It's funny but I used to do that too OP. I'll tell you how I got that way. When my kids were little and I was trying to feed them bites in between eating my meal before it got cold it was a challenge to do so I would eat quickly. Then it became habit to do so. I eventually learned to slow down some, not as much as I'd like as I still eat fairly quickly but just so you know how we "learn" some of these behaviors are dictated by lifestyle!

Monday, May 5, 2008, 5:19 PM

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