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Soreness after lower body work.
Everytime I do heavy lower body work (lunges, squats, etc) the next day my legs are extremely sore. And I know some soreness is good (no pain no gain right?) but this is always really bad. So bad it hurts to stand up and sit down.
I did my lower body work on wednesday, its now friday and I'm still very sore, and I don't want to work out today because I know it will only make it worse for tomorrow.
I'm also a pear shape (about 15 inch from my hip to waist) so I need the lower body help! I'm just not sure if the amount of pain I'm in is normal so I figured I would ask the wonderful people at peertrainer. SO what is your experience with this?
Fri. May 2, 11:02pm
if you really work your lower body after doing heavy lifting trust me it takes 36 or so hrs to get the soreness out. your legs have the biggest muscles in your body, and if you work them correctly you should feel terrible the next 3 days. only work out your lower body one day a week though.. and just do lowerbody work. im 6' 200 lbs. and i do very heavy work on my legs and i can only take it for one day a week, any more you cheat and its not worth it.
try the 2 on 1 off method, something like back and biceps, then chest and triceps, day off, then do shoulders and abs, then your last lower body, take another day off. i normally knock out 50 crunches in between sets on my non ab days, b/c the core is so important but only after your trunk. so wobble around knowing those lower body workouts will bring you great results faster, and just know you only have them every 7 days :) i guess this is good news
Friday, May 2, 2008, 11:23 PM
This is kind of funny. I wasnt actually working out but about a month after I gave birth I went out for my 21st birthday and the song "pop lock and drop it" came on. Try doing the dance to that song and see how many days your legs hurt!
Friday, May 2, 2008, 11:36 PM
My best remedy for sore muscles is an epsom salt bath! I cannot stress this enough. I'm a massage therapist and I always have my clients take an epsom salt bath after deep tissue work. It helps detox the body, sooth inflammation, and it'll make your skin glow. You can get a huge bag of epsom salts for like $3 at most drug stores.
I sometimes have a lot of pain after doing heavy lower body work, especially if I try to sit or stand. Even walking is a bit uncomfortable for a few days. I've been pushing myself really hard with my lower body workouts for the past three weeks and I have seen serious results. To ease the pain, I tend to do five minutes of low-intensity cardio after my weights, followed by stretching. But nothing works for me quite like an epsom salt bath before bed :)
Hope this helps!
Saturday, May 3, 2008, 8:58 PM
I find that if I take one day off then work through the pain the next I'm generally less sore than if I continue to lounge around and relax. If you have pulled muscles that's a different story than simply muscle soreness though so you must be able to tell the difference. If it's simply muscle soreness try to work through the paint he second day, I promise you will notice a difference and you will not feel so sore. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but once you get going it really won't feel so bad and you'll be glad you did it.
Monday, May 5, 2008, 9:32 AM
soreness after lower body work
user is right,epsom salt works wonders. also,rubbing aspercream on helps.
it has no smell, and it worked great on me. good luck,and keep on keeping on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 8:10 AM
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