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overcoming embarrassment at the gym

so, I've recently started working out at the YMCA, which is a pretty well-used gym in my area. Only, thing is, I'm 17 and feel embarassed at the gym sometimes.

I'm far from overweight, in fact I'm well inside the "helathy" weight for my height. But I usuall wear sweatpants and a teeshirt. Also, I don't know how to use a few (ok, a LOT) of the machines in the room, and end up sticking the the same machines that I'm used to.

I've overcome that a little bit: moving on the the elliptical machies for cardio, instead of the "safe" treadmill, and today I even asked some guy next to me if he knew how to adjust the seat (it was way too low for me to reach). He was really nice about it, and even adusted it for me, but my face was burning and I felt like an idiot.

Any way to overcome that fear? Or any hints to kind of "pick up" on how to use the machines without sitting and reading the manuel on the side for 5 minutes, only to find you don't know how to make yourself "fit" in the seat? lol any tricks on what's usually adjustable, and what usually isn't? [also, you usually have to pay to get someone to officially 'show you' the machines, and I don't really want to do that]

haha not to mention that some of the machines make me feel plain silly (thigh adducters, anything that works the glutes, etc etc)

Thanks, guys! =]

Sun. Dec 2, 6:49pm

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