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obesity and pregnancy

Hey everyone!

I'm 36 years old, just about to be married and my husband-to-be and I have recently had a very serious discussion about becoming pregnant. I had never really considered the risks involved in being obese and pregnant but since having this discussion I started looking into the facts. Got me rather scared I must say.

I am 340 pounds at the moment (recently lost 20 pounds) and I'm still losing weight. However, if I have to wait until I get to a weight that is recommended by doctors as being "safer" to get pregnant, I will have to wait at least a year or longer. Thus, I'm in a conundrum.

What I would like is to hear from people who have been (or still are) morbidly obese and have had babies, or know people who are my size who have had babies. Any complications? Are the risks so high that I should avoid becoming pregnant until I've lost a significant amount of weight? Any happy endings out there? I had an acquaintance a couple of years back who had a baby and she had no complications at all, nor were there any problems with the baby. Is she the exception to the rule?

I'm confused. And all this reading of articles has really freaked me out. Geez!

Oh, and as a side note, I just read an article about IVF in England which stated that an organization of IVF doctors wanted to place a ban on obese women getting treatment. Fat bigotry rears its ugly head...again. Seriously ticked me off.

Anyway, would love to hear from you all.


Thu. Jan 10, 8:08pm

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