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Eat breakfast if you want a baby boy?

Here's an interesting study: Women who eat more and specifically those who eat breakfast seem to have a greater chance of concieving a boy than those who restrict calories and skip breakfast.


Sat. Apr 26, 9:32am

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Important to note is what the women ate. Women who conceived boys were more than likely to eat breakfasts high in carbs and fat, i.e. hot cereals, bacon & eggs, the good old fashioned stuff. Apparently male embryos need a higher level of glucose to survive...

Saturday, April 26, 2008, 10:53 AM

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well ther you go----------that's why I have 3 boys!

I love breakfast------and, well, uh, fat and uh carbs!!! LOL

Saturday, April 26, 2008, 11:35 PM

Add comment should submit yourself for the follow up study...dang! How are your nerves?

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 7:58 AM

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There's a great nonfiction book called The Red Queen by Matt Ridley that talks about the genetics of sex. It has a chapter on this effect, which has been studied in numerous wild animals. The theory is that male animals need to be larger and healthier (on average) to attract mates and reproduce, while female animals will be able to reproduce even if they are smaller and weaker. Therefore, pregnant animals hoping to ensure that all of their children will reproduce find ways of ensuring that they give birth to males at the times they are healthiest and females when they are weakest.

The book also shows that women are more likely to conceive through sex with an adulterous lover than with a spouse. And other interesting tidbits.

If you are scientifically minded, it's a great read and quite well written. (Especially if you just skip the first few chapters, which are the most tedious, and get right to the good stuff.)

Monday, April 28, 2008, 8:45 PM

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Follow-up study!

follow-up study---ikes! I'm 45, nerves are good-but the body is old!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 7:19 AM

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