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5 year party

I'm currrently reading a Jack Canfield book about success. One of the ideas is to host a party where everyone comes as they will be in 5 years, and acts like that for the whole night. These can be really big dreams, you just have to believe you're already there.

Although we can't have a party, i thought it might be good for us to visulise ourselves in five years time, and write it down, looking at career, relationships, health, fitness, weight, body image, social life and free time.

So here's the 5 years down the line me.

I am working in a successful global company, I have to travel to business meetings with clients all over the world, America, UK, across europe, middle east, far east and the souther continent. I always look very smart in tailored suits with designer heals and bag. My hair and nails are immaculate. I have lots of resposibility in my role, but also have a large support network within the company behind me. I have a good salary with allowences and bonuses on top. I drive a nice big new car, that i feel safe driving in.

I am fit and healthy, i enjoy working out atleast 3 times a week. My body is thin and toned and i feel really comfortable in a bikini and want to show my body off. All i have is praise for my body.

I am in a loving relationship woth my partner, who is caring, supportive and successful.

I have a great social life with brilliant friends, we go out for dinner and to bars. I also enjoy skiing, horse riding and water sports in my spare time.

I also do a lot of travelling for fun, and have visited some amazing countries.

I also see my mum and friends from back home regularly.

I also own a property.

Sat. Apr 26, 2:10am

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