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Sudden onset of dry facial skin
I've never had dry skin. Over the past 2-3 months, I have developed REALLY dry skin, on my face only (everywhere else is fine). I live in a neutral climate; no AC use, no changes to diet, no unusual hormone issues. I'm in my mid 20's. I increased my water intake; I've tried 3 different products. Any ideas on causes, treatments? Should I be worried about something else? I can see a dermatologist, but hate taking time off work to go to the MD for something as simple as this.
Fri. Apr 25, 5:01pm
OP again -
I should also say that prior to this, I had pretty oily facial skin. Thanks for any and all feedback!
Friday, April 25, 2008, 5:02 PM
I would suggest seeing a dermatologist. Could be nothing, could be an underlying hormone problem.
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 9:22 AM
Hormonal changes...
It could very well be hormonal changes that are making themselves visible through your skin. I went all through high school without so much as a pimple. Then I turned 21 - WHAM! Pimples that show up if I forget to wash my face before going to bed or that show up 2 days before my period. Then when I turned 25 I developed rosacea. That is not fun...
So go see a dermatologist and have some allergy tests done to make sure it's not an ingredient in something you are using. Manufacturers love to change ingredients if they can makes their products cheaper. The doc may want to do a blood test if the skin allergy test does not show anything.
I highly recommend using Cetaphil. It's gentle, helps prevent breakouts, and comes in big bottles (i.e. more value for your money).
Good luck!
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 12:51 PM
it's most likely just hormones. when i was a teenager i had oily pimple covered skin but now my face is clear and my skin isn't as slick...
i do find that sometimes i get dry skin on top of having oily-ish skin but this usually comes in patches mostly on my cheeks and near my lips. i use an oil free moisturizer on my whole face and then i add a tiny bit of herbacine camille lotion just on the dry spots. it's actually for hands but it works wonders on my face in tiny amounts
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 2:55 PM
Dry facial skin
The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. I was shocked! My skin was actually peeling around the mouth and jaw. I tried a few lotions but they burned and stung so badly...I was miserable! But I tried a tube of cocoa butter (that I bought at the dollar store) and applied it every morning and night, and it worked. Now my skin only gets dry that badly a couple of times a month. Don't know what the cause was...but I was 45...probably related!
Sunday, April 27, 2008, 5:29 PM
a similar thing happened to me a few months ago. I think it's because I'm growing into my "adult" skin. I got olay hydrate and cleanse face wash, which has really helped.
Thursday, May 8, 2008, 1:02 AM
Dry Skin
I know it's been over a year since this topic was discussed, but I am beginning to see the same thing happening to me as well. I'm 19, Only my face is becoming dry, no changes to diet, no hormone issues...I live in rather humid climate (nothing too terrible though) so I would expect the opposite to be happening (my skin becoming really oily). I've never had any problems with facial issues before and have never been to a dermatologist. I've tried different moisturizers too, but as soon as I put one on, my face dries up again in less than 10 minutes. Did you ever get your situation cleared up? Thanks for your input!
Saturday, July 4, 2009, 2:49 PM
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