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All my pretty Nalgene bottles....

I have about ten of them and I have been using them for years.

I was watching a program on TV last night and they tested a brand new bottle by putting distilled water in it for a few hours....the water was contaminated with bisphenol A (BPA) . After the bottle was put through the dishwasher, even high amounts leached out when put through the distilled water test.

Baby bottles are made with this stuff and cans are lined with resins that contain BPA.

Anyone making changes to steer clear of this? What are you doing?


Thu. Apr 24, 1:15pm

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well im bummed out and I will eventually get around to buying replacements (one of those stainless steel ones) but in the meantime I am hanging on to them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 3:03 PM

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I bought 2 metal Klean Kanteens and love them.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 8:12 PM

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oh yeah---i am so glad that the word is getting around. I don't eat canned food anymore. Only organic veggies and fruits too! Also, if I can help it I don't store things in plastic and certainly don't heat up plastic food containers in the microwave. If you are concerned about these things, check out this interesting site about chemicals in cosmetics and skin care products. I am so disappointed by the FDA- they know the truth and are feeding us poisons.

Also...what about the Britta water pitcher- isn't that made of the same kind of harmfull plastic?

Friday, April 25, 2008, 1:28 AM

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Yeah, I was wondering about the Britta too. Anyone know how to find out? Any suggestions for filtering? Maybe just pouring the water into a glass container after filtering it will help. Anyone know??

Friday, April 25, 2008, 9:23 AM

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Anyone have recommendations for metal containers? What brand did you buy? What do you recommend for getting one?

I saw a rack of them at Whole Foods and the big ones (the size I would want) were more than 20 dollars whci seems a lot for a water bottle. Anyone have recommendations for better prices?

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 1:26 PM

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To the Britta question:


Z Report: BPA: Brita
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About the Company
Brita is an international manufacturer of home water-filtration products with headquarters in Germany and the U.S. Although their pitchers feature hard, clear plastic components, these are made of SAN plastic, not polycarbonate, and are BPA-free.

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 6:13 PM

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we have twin babies and had been using Avent brand baby bottles after I stopped breast feeding. Those bottles are made with polycarbonate which leaches BPA so we switched over to glass baby bottles made by Born Free. they also make BPA free sippy cups.
Regarding our Nalgene and Tupperware/Rubbermaid/Ziploc containers: we have recycled most of them and are not using mostly mason jars to store food in the fridge or freezer, or bowls with saucers on top. we keep a few of the plastic containers for lunches though. We're replace our Nalgene water bottes with stainless steel bottles, can't remember the brand.
Also stopped using ziploc style plastic bags and cling wrap. We use parchment paper instead and mason jars.

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 10:57 PM

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Sigg vs. Kleen Kanteen

Anyone try Kleen Kanteen bottles? Sigg? How do you like them? Sigg is aluminum and is resin coated. Klean Kanteen is stainless steel.

I wonder about the inert is it really? There is supposed to be a resin inside the container and I wonder about that too. Have to say the bottles are really PRETTY...and really pricey.

How leak proof are the bottles too?

Any other bottles out there you would recommend?

Monday, April 28, 2008, 2:40 PM

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