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Rice shortage

I see the pictures of people carrying rifles in China to protect the rice crop. I have wondered if it would filter over to the US. Aparently, it has.

Will this affect you in your shopping. Have you noticed a change in how you are shopping? What do you differently now that you weren't doing a few months ago?

I am thinking about growing some food on my patio.... and I have to say this has gotten my attention.


Thu. Apr 24, 1:05pm

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My husband and I eat the 2 kids of rice mentioned in the article. Both taste fantatic and we have no intention of giving them up for something cheaper. However, we found that if you buy them in bulk from Amazon, they cost less and then you get free shipping on top of that. Until things get much worse, that's what we will do.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 1:28 PM

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I actually have thought of that. There was another discussion about overpopulation leading to famine and diseases. Don't know if this is at all related to overpopulation or not. I have thought about growing food on my own and I don't think it's a bad idea. I don't think we can grow enough on our own to support ourselves though.
What were you thinking of planting?

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6:21 PM

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Well... could probably last a meal of two based on what I am planning....tomatoes and probably some lettuces. I have a cute little patio..not lots of acres. I did pot tomatoes last summer and got enough for several meals. It was fun to watch them grow though and they tasted wonderful so I am doing it again.

It's a tough question, we are so inter-dependent and I would be hard put to plant much more. My great grand parents were farmers...I don't have much of a clue what to do. I think that is true for most people though.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 7:05 PM

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Well - I am from a farm and we put up a large amount of our own food when I was growing up. Let me tell you food is going to have to get a hell of a lot worse before I start trying to be self-sufficient. It's back-breaking, time consuming work to produce and preserve mass quantities of food without machinery and processing plants. Plus it take more land than most people have access to. Generally if you can afford a lot that large, you don't need to use it to produce food. I may grow a few things this year, but they'll be luxury items that I don't want to spring for.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:15 PM

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I heard that the Sam's Club were limiting the 20 lbs bags of rice to 4 per person. That's 80 lbs of rice! More than I probably use in a year. I think those that need that much are the restaurants and such, not just residential folks.

On a side note, I heard this morning that because of the crackdown on illegal immigrants, those that grow tomatoes are going out of business because there's no one willing to do the work. And because of the nature of tomatoes, they do have to be picked by hand and there just isn't anyone willing to do it for the pay scale they were offering.

Friday, April 25, 2008, 12:22 PM

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There is no reason for rice shortages in the states, can you say fear-mongering? Financial opportunity??? Its disgusting.

Monday, April 28, 2008, 9:57 AM

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