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Yeast Imbalance?

I have been suffering a plateau for 3 months despite eating 1500 calories a day and doing 4-5x/cardio per week and 2 weight lifting sessions. Frustrated I went to visit a nutritionist and she told me I have a yeast imbalance that is hindering my weight loss efforts.

According to the nutritionist the ONLY way to correct this is to eat a diet that consists of only protein and low starch/carb vegetables for two months--not one ounce of sugar, yogurt, chocolate, cheese, grains, oats, alchohol--in other words, nothing I really enjoy. Apparently after 3 weeks my "reward" is adding in a piece of fruit a day.

I have to admit, I love food and see enjoying food as a part of really living life. Its been hard enough trying to losing weight just watching calories and eating more healthy foods, I can't believe I now am supposed to cut out every type of food but protein and vegetables. It seems impossible.

I'm guess I'm beyond frustrated at thinking I have to choose between eating a normal healthy diet or staying fat. Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and found a way to fix it that wasn't so drastic?

Wed. Apr 23, 1:42am

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Why does the nutritionist think you have a yeast imbalance? and actually, what IS a yeast imbalance? I've never heard of such a thing.

The diet the nutritionist is suggesting is very limited; I wouldn't be able to stick to it.

Good luck.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 3:47 PM

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It sounds difficult... but it's only two months. 8 weeks. 60 days. You can do it! If this is really going to help you and make you healthier, it will be worth it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 10:48 PM

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Did she do a test for that? How could she tell?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 11:18 PM

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Your plan sounds good and it was working up until a few weeks ago. I suggest you keep going with what works

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 1:05 AM

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sounds like your doctor is describing candida. get the book "the yeast syndrome" it has the diet and the cause of candida. carbs and sugar make the yeast grow and you need to eliminate them from your diet for about 2 months to kill of the yeast. you gradually add them back to your diet when you feel better.

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 8:27 AM

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