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Treadmill vs. elliptical

Thoughts? I really want to be a runner, but it sometimes hurts my knee (not too badly, though). Is an elliptical workout or treadmill workout superior?

Thu. Apr 17, 7:37pm

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Wow, looks like I got to you before the thread nazis - lucky you -

please use the search function for any topic that seems like it may have been covered before in a community like this and you will get all kinds of great ideas without bringing up a topic that everyone has already discussed a great deal.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Friday, April 18, 2008, 7:04 AM

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Since 7:04 decided to be patronizing, I will help answer your question...

I used to have problems with my knees when I ran, but I still wanted to be a runner. I did a few things:
1. Found a shoe that fit. That entailed me going to New Balance and having a scan of my foot done. They fit me for a shoe, built up my arch, and feet feel a million times better.
2. Start slowly. Meaning work on running for a certain amount of time vs. distance. Start with 20 minutes, then increase to 25 or 30...depending on how you feel. Always listen to your body.
4. At the gym I will spend one day on the treadmill doing interval work and then switch to the bike or elliptical to relieve my knees.
5. Switch up your terrain when you run outside. If you tend to run on concrete or asphalt, try a softer terrain. I run in the woods a lot and that helps my knees.
6. Recovery. There are various methods - ice baths, warm baths, massage, magnesium drinks. Do what works for you.

I hope this helps. And don't let comments like the PP discourage you. There are some grumpy people on this site, they are the ones that need the runner's high and some carbs!

Good luck to you and come back anytime for advice! We got your back :)

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:03 AM

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i think that is the EXACT title of the ongoing debate...i thought maybe PT wiped it clean because it was too long and started over. but no. just a non-searcher.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:06 AM

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Hey everybody - How can I lose some weight?

9:03 you are dumb - I WAS trying to be nice did you read my pleasant and informative email? - seriously - "Treadmill vs. elliptical" ?
How about a new thread - "How can I lose some weight?"

I was just trying to say "hey did you know..."... you are pretty cynical if you thought that was mean...
I am not a thread Nazi but you are just enabling here...



Friday, April 18, 2008, 10:19 AM

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OP here - I DID search! Nothing came up; I was suprise to. And yes, I used several different combinations of words.

9:03, thanks for the advice. I'll totally incorporate some of that! Thanks!

Friday, April 18, 2008, 12:12 PM

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I also searched just to see the huge thread you were talking about and couldn't find it either. 7:04 is just being rude. I wish I knew more about the topic so I could contribute. Unfortunately all I have to say is that the PT thread nazis have got to go. They're cramping our style!

Friday, April 18, 2008, 12:16 PM

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I just did a search and 4 pages of posts came up including several on the first page exactly the same as OPs question.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 12:17 PM

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Can you please post the links? I can't find it anywhere on the site.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 12:31 PM

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"7:04 is just being rude. ...Unfortunately all I have to say is that the PT thread nazis have got to go. They're cramping our style! "

wth ? ? - I was trying to be the nice guy you dorks !

OP just seach again - it is there.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 2:28 PM

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9:03 here...

The current thread nazi is going to make me pull a "Heathers" routine on her...LOL

Anywhoooo...glad I could help, OP. I know what it feels like to want to be a runner, but to deal with some start-up issues. My mantra is slow and steady wins the race...I am looking to do my first 10K next there is hope! Trust me, the runner's high is TOTALLY true and it is fantastic!

Friday, April 18, 2008, 2:46 PM

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I think you can burn more calories on the treadmill if you are running vs. a hard workout on eliptical, but different muscles are exercised onthe eliptical. Also, I only do eliptical because of my knees any more, so it's definitely superior for me personally.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 3:01 PM

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Friday, April 18, 2008, 4:26 PM

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I think you can make either workout as challenging or as easy as you want. Although, with the treadmill you can really push yourself with a hill program.

And, as a newbie PT person, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to a new thread on an old topic :) If everyone went right to the search function, there'd be no way for us to contribute! And sometimes it's just nice to read a thread that isn't 100 responses long...that started in 2006 :)

Friday, April 18, 2008, 4:42 PM

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7:04 - You Nazi, you ;)

Please also note that not 'everyone' has gotten to contribute.... clearly, I did not. If you feel it is a thread that YOU have already contributed to, please disregard.

Thank you for the link.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 5:23 PM

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uh guys, you can always post in an old thread. That then brings it forward to be reviewed, and have more people contribute.

And it means those of us who are here and have been here for a few years don't have to re-type all our responses out or feel like broken record players.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:18 PM

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Why can't someone just ask a question and get a kind, helpful answer? If you feel it as a redundant question then don't bother to answer and don't take up our posting space of people that do want to contribute and be helpful, geez. So, if someone asks you something that you've answered a thousand times, will you just say "Come on, just go buy this so and so book, or go to this linkm, the answer is in there, I'm tired of answering that frickin question.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:50 PM

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Why do you feel the need to be the thread police? Why do you feel the need to answer something and "re-type" answers....this isn't a ask the thread nazi a guestion website now is it.

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:52 PM

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Great idea, start a new post, ask the thread nazi, lol...then you can just send them links to everything. Questions, they get to be so annoying!

Friday, April 18, 2008, 9:54 PM

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Hey 9:18 - then just let the new people take over for you old, tired people. I'm sure there are plenty of us who will pick up the slack so you don't have to be bored with having to add your words of wisdom for the 100th time. And who the heck wants to read through 50 messages from 2 years ago?

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 12:59 AM

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Yeah 12:59!!! I totally agree!

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 6:36 AM

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So people are supposed to help out those who are too lazy to look for the answers themselves?

Personally, I don't consider 26 old, nor am I tired. Trying to sound condescending doesn't help your cause.

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 4:37 PM

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old as in an old member, as in you've been around long enough to take issue with having to post your expertise over and over again. Obviously, 26 is not old, but knowing that - calling people lazy and getting riled up about repeat topics - it now makes a little more sense.

Why not just focus your energy and desire to help to those who come up with new topics? (And that's a rhetorical question - no response necessary.) Leave the repeats to other people who aren't annoyed by it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 7:16 PM

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From a runner

Hey There...
Personally I'm a runner who users the treadmill not only to train but to burn the calories. It’s already known that a SMART run is the best and quickest way to burn to most calories. (Sorry very bias). Here's a heads up though. I've suffered from numerous injuries, all I've gotten from running on pavement, but nevertheless. Protect your IT band and stretch your quads, hams and thighs for at least 30 seconds 3 times before & after your run. Build your leg muscles; as long as they are strong you take pressure of your IT Band. Trust me, I'm nursing this injury right now and I have to run with four different straps on. So do squats, lunges and what ever else you can think of to build and tone your muscles. The proper shoe will absolutely help in your run, so make sure your fitted right. Running is hardcore and not for the light of heart. If you feel like you need support, you can buy some knee straps and run with those, which will alleviate pressure for your knees along with your IT band. Read up on Runners knee, IT Band & Shin splint injuries, those are the three most common running injuries you may encounter. Train slowly and light at first, don’t jump on and start sprinting. So, there is my bias opinion. I personally rather spend thirty minutes burning 400 calories then 250 calories (Or whatever it is, but I know it’s a lot more running).


Saturday, April 19, 2008, 7:44 PM

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7:44p - I was just coming here to add some info on protective measures for the knees to help with running :) OP, I recommend going online to Runner's World for info - that would be a good place to look up all those topics that were mentioned.

Saturday, April 19, 2008, 7:48 PM

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couch to 5k - look it up. it's a great way to start running without pushing yourself too hard from the beginning!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 2:35 AM

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who knew this would be so controversial when I clicked on it?!

Anyway, I get knee pain from playing tennis for many years, so I am wary of the treadmill. I mainly use it at the beginning and end of my workouts just to do some weight bearing exercise and get my heart rate up before I use the elliptical.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 3:25 AM

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