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Losing size but not weight -- Problem?
I have always been a heavy for my size and the way I look. In college, I was an (attractive, nonflabby) size 4 and 145 pounds, for example.
On my weight loss journey here, I feel like I'm not losing weight even as I lose size, and I wonder if this is something to worry about. When I joined PeerTrainer, I was a size 12 and 175 pounds. Now I'm a size 8, but I'm still 166 pounds. The scale never moves even though my old pants literally fall off of me. At first, I was not worried because I figured I was gaining muscle mass, but now I'm starting to wonder if the stubborn scale is something I should be concerned about. Is there a point at which the lack of weight loss is a problem? What if I were to get back down to a 4 but still be 155 pounds? Does this signal any other type of concern?
BTW, I'm 27 years old, 5'4". And apparently my blood pressure and heartrate are excellent, according to my physician (I work out with cardio and/or weights five times a week).
I know I may be overanalyzing this, but I need some reassurance. It is frustrating to not be able to measure progress by the scale like everyone else seems to be able to do.
Wed. Apr 16, 11:55am
heavy for size
I would discuss this with your doctor and/or trainer. Muscle does weigh more, but if the balance is of a concern, ask a pro.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 12:00 PM
I am the same way - big build, lots of muscle - I will always be on the higher end of the BMI scale even though i wear a size 6!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 12:48 PM
The nurse practictioner said it is a myth that musle weighs more than fat. A pound is a pound , a pound of feathers is the same as a pound of bricks...however, muscle is more dense.
THerefore, you are losing weight and the muscle is more compact than fat, so you fit clothes better etc.
I would keep doing what you are doing, the scale has moved some. In time it will move again. Also, if you are on a plateau, than change your routine a bit.
This has been the advice given to me and it makes sense.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 1:27 PM
I wouldnt exactly call it a "myth" - yes a lb. is a lb. - but what "Muscle weighs more than fat" refers to is the fact that one square inch of mucle is going to weigh more than one square inch of fat. It is also going to be smooth and striated where as fat is lumpy.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 1:44 PM
that's absolutely true 1:44. I am working out like a mad man and i am not losing very fast on the scale, but am down 3 pant sizes and still am continuing to lose size. I have to get over the number on the scale. ish.
Thursday, April 17, 2008, 8:39 AM
Throw away your scale and rely solely on a tape measure.
Thursday, April 17, 2008, 3:55 PM
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