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Bob Evans salad?! Wtf?

I went to Bob Evans today. I didn't plan ahead. Shame on me I know. I thought I was sick to death of grilled chicken. I thought ok... well I am going to order the lunch portion of the wildfire chicken salad and ask for the chicken grilled. I figured that couldnt be THAT bad after all its a small portion of grilled ckn with maybe a tbs of bbq, a few tortilla strips, tomatoes, lettuce, and a bit of dressing. I get home and look on the website and its 26 freakin grams of fat! What the hell? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A full serving of the dressing is only 9 grams of fat and I didnt eat hardly any of it. It ruined my Sunday. I am pissed. Now I am hungry and I don't want to eat anything else because I am determined when I weigh tomorrow that scale is going down. Grrrrrr.....

Anyone else ever do something like that? Frustrating!

Sun. Apr 13, 4:42pm

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Yes!! Reminds me of my first outing to Baja Fresh. It all sounds so harmless, and even the name suggests 'good for you' (marketing genius) so I ordered some vegetarian burrito. I knew enough to only eat half, but wow!! And ugh. And grrr...

For me, it just showed how you can be well versed in this calorie/nutrition stuff and still be blown away by restaurant foods!

Sunday, April 13, 2008, 4:49 PM

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Panera, Corner Bakery, and all those sandwich-type salads shocked me the same way! It shouldnt be called salad if its not healthy :)

Monday, April 14, 2008, 11:30 AM

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got a beautiful spinach pecan goat chesse salad at an italian place (only healthy option) "dressing on the side" - - GOOD THING TOO!- the "dressing was a giant BOWL of nice tomatoes and red onions SWIMMMING in a GRAVY of balsamic glucososugarsyrup sauce - nasty - I just tried to rescue those poor veggis out of there without getting too much of that crap into my system..


Monday, April 14, 2008, 11:55 AM

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