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Stride advice

I really enjoy running, but am by no means a "runner", so i was hoping I could get some input about "form". I have a really short stride (don't know if it has anything to do with my really short legs!) and it just feels like I'm chugging away with a million steps! I've tried elongating my stride, but it seems to tucker me out because I feel like I'm fighting against my natural rhythm. Does it get easier with time, or is there a way to make my natural, short stride work for me?

Fri. Apr 11, 12:42pm

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It will get easier with time. I know for me it was just awkward when i started for a few weeks. The way you naturally run is almost always going to be the "best" way unless you have a history of knee/ankle/IT band issues. Some pointers are to lean slightly forward, keep your arms pumping, and dont kick back with your legs too much.

Friday, April 11, 2008, 1:29 PM

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Runner's World online is a great resource for running tips and form. Just like any sport - good form will do wonders for endurance and injury prevention.

Friday, April 11, 2008, 1:49 PM

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attempting to lengthen your stride isn't usually a good idea. Just stick with what is natural in terms of stride length.

As to the rest of form, shoulders back, hips aligned with shoulders, don't swing your arms in front of your chest, and try to keep your toes pointing straight, not out to the sides.

Friday, April 11, 2008, 1:53 PM

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