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Water bottles???

Did anyone see the Today show this morning??? They had a segment on water bottles. They are now saying that the hard plastic ones that are ment to be used over and over are unsafe? If you get a chance check it out at today I personally have a camelbak that I love plus I want to help by being green because I would go threw a lot of the regular water bottles. I usually try to drink at least 120 oz of water a day. They say never to use a plastic water bottle with the number 3, 6 or 9 in the triangle. Mine has a 9 in it. So where does that leave us be green but don't use the water bottles that are made to be reused???? I just wanted to see what everyone else thoughs are. Thanks

Wed. Apr 9, 3:34pm

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I have heard this - and that is why there are all those new eco-trendy stainless steel bottles out there - but I still love my nalgenes.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 3:49 PM

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I did see the show and had heard that before. They are saying the effects are mostly related to fertility and also development for children. I'm the kind of person that buys a huge 33 0z Dasani bottle and reuses it until it looks cloudy. Can't help it, I'm not going to keep paying for a new bottle every day! They said for these types of water bottles, one use only. Well, I've been doing it for years so I will probably continue.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 5:28 PM

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Sigg bottles are supposed to be ok. There is something about the plastic in Nalgene (and yes, I have quite a few and I love them too). There was a big article in the most recent issue of the Nutrition Action Newsletter.

This week I have been reusing a glass bottle I got some tea I am recycling and glass is inert. Wonder about the cap though.

The article in Nutrition Action newsletter also said the most cans are lined with a plastic that is not supposed to be healthy. Somehow I can't mobilize around this one yet....will have to reread the article and figure out what to do.

I put a link to the newsletter. It is a great resource for really current research and it is well written. They write about it before it hits the airwaves.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 11:41 PM

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