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Help - Plantar Fasciitis & Exercise
Help! I have terrible plantar fasciitis in my left foot which makes it so very difficult to exercise, especially cardio. I'm currently doing circuit training at the gym, but want to be doing something to burn fat. Can anyone tell me what has worked for them in the past when you have an injured foot? How can I burn fat but stay off my foot? The doctor said it could take 3-6 months before it heals! and I'm afraid I'm going to gain weight in the meantime. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Tue. Apr 8, 8:32pm
Took 6 months for me to rehab my PF.
Swimming is great help to stay moving but not affect PF. I did a bit of walking, seeing as I couldn't run. I made sure to massage my feet every night, and ice them regularly to speed the rehab. I also t-tapped. You could bike as well.
Really, there's no reason why you'd gain weight if you take proper precautions.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 8:46 PM
Just make sure you're doing your stretches and you're icing your arch every day. Pf doesn't really ever "heal" so to speak, it just gets manageable. When I was very very pregnant and not exercising it was just as bad as when I was logging about 50 walking miles/week. Wear the right shoes, use your orthotics religiously (that stinks with sandal season coming up, but it's important) and you should be able to keep the pain at bay if you change up your exercise routine. Go easy at first to let it subside, then work your way slowly back.
I feel your (heel) pain!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 8:55 PM
I've lived with PF for years and have slight pain maybe 1 day a month. There are sandals you can buy that have removable foot beds so you can put your orthotics into them. Not the prettiest but its WONDERFUL to feel the breeze on my toes and not have pain in my heels. I agree with the earlier poster. Wear good supported shoes and wear your orthotics 95% of the time. I earn wearing my cute shoes that way.
Water aerobics and bicycling really helped me, too.
The life saver was good quad stretches against the wall. I do those multiple times a day and that keeps the pain away.
Good luck!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 9:04 PM
I used to have PF and it _did_ heal, but I caught it early.
One "trick" that's helpful is to get a 2-liter cola bottle, put water in it, then freeze it. Then you can roll it under your foot all day (if you have a desk job) and ice & stretch simultaneously.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 9:11 PM
Used to have extremely painful unrelenting PF and I don't experience it anymore now that I lost 80 pounds.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 7:01 AM
I have had it off and on for years and my doc thinks it has to do with shoes
So I bought good shoes, still a problem.
I understand that stretching can make a difference It didn't for me.
I did wear a pad in my shoe that had a hole cut out and it helped a little.
Hope you get over it quickly.
Thursday, April 10, 2008, 10:55 PM
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