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watch those nutrition labels!!

did any one else see the clip on abc news about food companies allowing up to 20 % more fat , calories, nutrients in the food than what is stated on the label and its legal? how are we as as people supposed to eat right if we cant get accurate info on the food labels

Tue. Apr 8, 12:47pm

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I saw that in my calorie king book -

A sugary muffiny thing in my book said like 2.4 grams on the label and they had it sitting on a scale that read 3.7 grams SCARY ! !

- Yet another reason not to eat packaged & processed foods ! ! Pack a lunch of the good stuff.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 1:20 PM

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Totally agree 1:20. It's best to mix your own ingredients and to stop based on your sense of fullness instaed of relying on information about how many calories you have eaten. That is only a "ballpark" value as far as I can see.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 1:29 PM

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Yup, known about it for years. Ever since Weight Watchers got fined for understating the calories on their frozen pizza by 35%. Ever since, I've added 10% to the official calorie count on any diet/lite/reduced-fat item on the market just to be on the safe side.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 5:15 PM

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I simply prefer to not count calories as I think there's no accurate way to know how many calories I eat, or burn.

So, I stick to eating whole goods, and making most things from scratch. My opinion as to what is "healthy" isn't determined by the calorie count, so I never read the nutrition label- I read the ingredients.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 8:49 PM

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This probably explains why some people who really are trying say they are eating 1200 calories/day and still can't lose weight. They're probably being religious about the calories but getting bad data. :-(

Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 9:17 PM

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