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A poll for the ladies...

Well, first a question?
What's the deal with the 30 something men these days? Why do so many of them have issues with getting their stuff together and being responsible? Do responsible men exsist? I'm really questioning this. Do I have such a low self esteem that I attract these guys who seem right on the cusp of getting it together but never really seem to? Also, a lot of the guys I've managed to attract either live with mommy or they are so tied to mommy that they have never ending obligations. Why does this keep happening to me? I'm responsible. I have all my bills paid on time every month. I have no credit card debt. I have an excellent credit score. I fell for a guy who cannot find a job in his profession. He is living at home with mommy. There is a possibiliy of a job in November but there is no guarentee there. I'm not sure how much more of this stress I can take. If this job prospect falls through, I fear I'll lose it. He is in so much debt...

Anyway back to my poll:
How many of you ladies out there would wait this out? I feel really sad thinking this way because I really do love him. I just don't understand why I have my stuff together but he does not. He is older than me. I suggested he get a part time job to take some of the strain off, but that suggestion went over like a fart in church. I hear him talk about responibility but when it comes to it he is a procrastinator. I think mommy has something to do with it. She is enabling him. She feeds him and pays his bills. But then she'll have a melt down and tell him she has no money. I feel I'm falling into a trap or something. I pay for us to go out sometimes but now we just don't go out much. I don't pay any of his bills. I don't give him any money. He tries to pay me back the money from going out although it is never in full. Then I end up using that money when ever we go out again or what ever. Its a cycle. I pray he gets that job soon! This is really testing our relationship. We've only been together for 5 months. He had a job for 2 of the months but quit because it was a crap job. What is a girl to do?

One thing I'm not going to do is marry this guy!!!!! That's for damn sure! Not until he cleans up all his problems and is a normal man with a job and bills all paid. It could be years...if it ever happens. Oh I'm just so sad and feel hopeless. I want to see him successfull. I know he can be but will he?

Mon. Sep 8, 1:04pm

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