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Does anyone's Doctor Scale actually take pounds off?
Because I'm convinced that my Doctor's scale always adds 5!
I think this is a conspiracy.
I'll be writing to my Senator.
Mon. Apr 7, 10:36am
I agree! I don't let it bother me though because I figure I'm always going at the end of the day and that's got to add on a few ounces.
Monday, April 7, 2008, 10:49 AM
On the doc scale, you're probably wearing clothes and have ate/drank food. At home, you're probably undressed and have just slept all night and then used the restroom.
8oz of water weigh about a pound. Clothing can weigh 5lbs or more, depending on the size and thickness of material.
When I go to the doc, they'll weigh me, and instead of comparing the number to what I saw at home, I'll ask them what I weighed there the year before. If it's lower, I know I did good that year.
Monday, April 7, 2008, 11:05 AM
I'm right there with ya! When they weight me at the DR's office I always look away and tell them "I work too damn hard at this to be discouraged with the number on YOUR scale, so please don't tell me!" LOL! Really, I do that now!
Monday, April 7, 2008, 11:20 AM
I'm always 2-3 lbs heavier at the dr's for exactly the PP reasons: eating/drinking, clothing etc. But I love that every time I go (I have to go every 4 weeks....long story), I weigh less and the nurse never fails to make a supportive comment about it. So it may not be the same number as my home scale, but in their records I've lost the same amount!
Monday, April 7, 2008, 2:37 PM
Mine adds joke the Nurse told me...
Monday, April 7, 2008, 3:07 PM
Ugh. Hate that scale. Last month the doc scale read 8.5 pounds heavier than my own! Ok, so I know I already had a couple meals, liquids, etc and had clothes & shoes on...but wow! Hard to not go away totally dejected lol!
Monday, April 7, 2008, 4:03 PM
I agree. I went to the doc today. It added two. I work at a health center (mental) and weighed myself this morning. This afternoon I weighed and I was up two pounds. Its a conspiracy!! LOL
Monday, April 7, 2008, 4:54 PM
At all my prenatal visits I'd be 10 - 15 lbs heavier than m scale and after I had my baby it was still 5 - 10 lbs off. It is a killer for the selfesteem when you work so hard and see 10 lbs more than you thought you were, especially when I thought I was finally lighter than my husband and the Dr's scale said otherwise.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 12:39 PM
Yes, the Doctor Scale actually takes pounds off and it is not a big deal. I saw a lot of people happy with it. Getting
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to learn about these scales can guide more people to follow the steps to find what they are looking.
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