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Husband caught.....

I know this isn't about weight lost, but just need people/someone to talk to other than friends and family about this situation. The past few months my husband has "tried" to look at porn on our computer but was caught because the computer crashed and we had to pay around $200.00 in computer scams because of it. The 2x we had computer problems he told me "I was looking up on You Tube something about the Presidential Campaign but saw a pop up.....guess I should have stuck with politics". I really respected that he didn't try to hide it and thought learned his lesson.....BUT...yesterday I got a bill from our Cable company with an extra $12.00 than usually.....after more research discovered that recently, after the computer incident, on a night I was out of town he rented a porn through cable. I put the bill on the table, circled the item. When he saw it he said he was sorry and could totally understand why I am mad and should be mad. He also said if it makes a difference he felt so guilty after doing it that he didn't even watch it. I WANT to believe him, but something inside of me is telling me that would be stupid to do. I guess now I want to know what to do. I know time will heal alot, but there is a lot of tension and depression between us. Everytime I think about us being intimate I wonder what porn star he is thinking of. I understand people make mistakes and for guys this is very difficult. Just so you are aware, my husband made a comment just over a month ago that "I am the happiest I have ever been since we have been together" ...which translate into he is not sexual starved and has been treated rather well in that department. I know I need to forgive and be happy that he is not going outside the least not that I know of. Just needed someone to vent to and some sensative advice would be great too.

Wed. Oct 15, 10:36am

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