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Auto immune Diseases- Can you help me by sharing your experience?

I was just reading in another thread someone from a group dealing with Auto Immune diseases offered some good tips/advice but when I went to that group site ot potentially join noted that you "must be over 50 to join" so tjhat leaves me out. LOL!
Anyway, since it appears we do have some members on here dealing with these issues I was wondering if you might share some of your experiences? I am 39 and the docs have not yet diagnosed me with a "lifelong" one they have only ruled out several but have now stated that their "working" diagnosis is Reiters Syndrome which is auto immune related. I have been active and healthy for many years now (lost over 100lbs over 11 years ago now and at a healthy weight) and all of a sudden one day something strange happened to my eyes, then my legs started swelling massively, then my arms etc all within a 3 week period. Very strange and very scary. At first the docs were treating symptoms separately and chalking the swelling up to separate injuries due to my workouts but you know your body better than anyone else, right? So, I insisted they run more tests and they did, for Lyme, RA, and many other things. EVERYTHING came back negative with the exception of there being extensive systemic inflammation.
That said they have opted to put me on Methotrexate and for any of you dealing with this you know this is a form of chemo, which scares me a bit. I am now on 6 different medications, see 4 different doctors and was laid up for over a month completely. After some steriod injections and oral steroids I've recently begun to get back into my workout routine (working through the pain, some days better than others) but I would love to hear about experiences from others who've dealt with this, taken this medication and the effects you've had with it, whether or not you can/do continue to exercise, what kinds of "diet" you find most helpful, etc.
I've had the Methotrexate for 3 weeks now and finally relented and started taking it Tuesday, so far not so bad but am nauseous and pretty worn out. Just wanted to get some other opinions.
BTW- sorry for the long post, just wanted to be able to give the background. :0)
Thanks to any and all who can provide some constructive input!

Thu. Oct 30, 2:30pm

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