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Bad Luck Finding Jogging Bra

Hi! I'm having a hard time finding a bra that is supportive enough when jogging. I'm usually a 38C or 38D if the brand is running real small. I tried that Danskin variety from WalMart (I know probably a HORRID idea, but it looked pretty convincing). If I'm going to shell out some good money for a good supportive brand, has anyone had good luck with one in particular?
One of my problems may be I'm buying a size too big so it's not tight enough for jogging. Just how tight should the be?
And one final question, There are bras that are basically one big elastic that keeps you sucked in, and then their are bras which seem be formed out of a hard material with a formed compartment for each boob, is there a performance difference in these designs?

You guys are so nice to put up with my akward question!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I thank you!!

Thu. Apr 3, 10:22am

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Maybe not the best quality, but I like the Champion ones from Target. You do have to try it on and make sure it fits right. I bought one according to my shirt size, and I'm bouncing all over the place! It shouldn't be so tight that it's uncomfortable in your rib cage, but you should definitely know you're being held in.

Thursday, April 3, 2008, 10:32 AM

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Also, allow for stretching over time. Like jeans, the one that's a little tight in the beginning is going to be perfect after a few wears.

Thursday, April 3, 2008, 10:33 AM

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I have gone through so many sports bras because of support I can definitely help. There are 2 gret brands: Under Armor's racerback sports bra and another one from Donna Karen. They don't smoosh your boobs in and form a uni-boob, provide great support, and look darn good. I'm a 36D (used to be a 38D), and need the support. The bras with compartments for each boob are better because rare is the set of tatas that are formed symmetrically.

Thursday, April 3, 2008, 10:35 AM

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my girls are big too, but that doesn't stop me from running.... i wear really good supportive bras made for large breasted women. the brand is moving comfort, i get them at dick's sporting goods, they also have them at the running shop i shop at. they are about $45 a piece but so worth it, it took me several different brands to find these, they hold up great too... i've had some for several years.

Thursday, April 3, 2008, 2:55 PM

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