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Need Advice To Help With My Mom's Health Issues!

First off my mom had the "bypass" surgery for weight loss back when I was in the 6th grade. I will be 43 on the 21st of this month. She had the surgery when they first came out and to say the didn't help and only made her health 100 times worse all these years later.

She has been in and out of the hospital at least 3 times in the past 6 weeks. She lives in Florida and I live in IL so I can't be with her right now. She is back in the hospital again today. They have told her she is malnutioned and dehydrated. (please excuse my spelling). She is 61 years old and only about 5 feet tall. She weighed 275 back in June of this year and is now down around 200 (give or take a pound or 2). Most of the weight she lost was water that she was retaining. She doesn't like meat very much at all and will sometimes go 2 or 3 weeks without eating any at all and when she does eat meat it is only a bite or two at most. Her body has started "digesting" its own muscle. I think that is what the doctors are saying anyway. This being due to the lack of protien in her body. She is weak and tired all the time. They are now talking about giving her blood transfusions.

My question is, does anyone have any advice on what and how much she should eat to get the protien she needs since she doesn't like meat? What type and how much exercise she should get to rebuild the muscle she has lost? Please keep in mind she is still mobile but limited. She can't walk very far at once due to legs and feet swelling and pain. She isn't into going to a gym. She is very active most of the time but since moving to Florida she isn't as active as she used to be due to the health problems she now has. She is a border live diebitic, has arthritis, and Fibroymilgia. Again, please excuse my spelling. Thank you all of any advice you can give.

A side note: If anyone out there is thinking about having any kind of "weight loss" surgery...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think LONG AND HARD before doing it!!!! It doesn't always work and there are MAJOR health issues that come with this type of surgery!!!!

Fri. Nov 14, 6:28am

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