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Adding Weights to my workout?
I have read previous threads about weight training but have not found and answer to my question. I would appreciate any suggestions.
I have been working out at a boxing gym for a while now. Normally I do 2 days(T,Th) of regular cardio like the treadmill and stairclimber and I do 2 days (M,F) of boxing classes. The boxing classes i guess are considered circut training because it consists of jump roping, we use light weights for shadow boxing, lunges, squats then we go to the punching bag where we alternate between combos and pushups and jump squats and for the last 5 min of class we do and ab routine.
This is a very tiring workout but I was wondering how I can incorporate weight training to my current routine. Should I do weights on days I don't do the class? On the same day? or would weights be too much? I don't know how to improve my workout routine. Please help.
Tue. Apr 1, 8:47pm
In every diet and exercise book I have read, and every web site I have looked at that is worth its salt, the recommendation is to do cardio on one day, and strength on the next, or if you need to have a combined cardio/strength session daily, figure out a schedule so that the muscle group you are working gets at least 2 days of a break, to rebuild. For instance,try this sort of schedule:
Monday: lower body strength training and abs: 45 min.
Tuesday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Wednesday: upper body strength training and abs: 45 min.
Thursday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Friday: lower body and abs: 45 min.
Saturday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Sun: off
Monday: upper body and abs: 45 min.
Tuesday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Wednesday: lower body and abs: 45 min.
Thursday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Friday: upper body and abs: 45 min.
Saturday: cardio, 45-60 min.
Sunday off.
Use this two week cycle. You can go to for a lot of free workouts, both cardio and strength. You will want to fit in a few stretching sessions too. For me I always do a lot of stretches after every workout, regardless of type.
You could choose to do a strength training session of 45 min. after your boxing or other cardio. Just exchange the body part (lower or upper) every time, so you work out both the lower and the upper about three times each in a two week cycle.
Generally you will work your back exercises with either the abs or with the upper body. When you strengthen your front (abs) you need to strengthen the back (your back muscles) so the front holds up the back and the back holds up the front.
Along with you can go to for workouts and training exercises.
Strength training helps two ways. It builds muscle, so that the more muscle you have the less fat, and the more muscle you have the more fat you burn, since muscle burns stored fat more efficiently than fat burning stored fat.
Secondly, strength training, raises your metabolism higher and will keep it higher for up to 12 hours. If you are able to do a little strength every day (maybe working your abs in on cardio days), that will help your metabolism stay a little higher for more fat burning.
Also, strength training helps to build muscle endurance, so you can go further, faster, higher, with more energy.
Hope that helps.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 9:37 PM
PP is right.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:42 PM
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