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OT: 5 series or 7 series?
assuming cost is no barrier, are there any BMW drivers out there who can give me some guidance here?
Tue. Apr 1, 7:24pm
please find another forum to a decide which overpriced car to buy.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 8:55 AM
Not the op but I have a bmw. If you ever had one, you would understand that it's not overpriced at all. And I know someone else in my group who has one as well so why be rude?
That said, I have a 3 series. The 5 and 7 are too big for my taste, more for guys. Of course if you're a guy, I would not buy the 3 series because the cockpit is too small if you're anywhere near 6 feet. The m3 is also a great choice.
Signed a loyal bmw user who wouldn't drive any other car.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:01 AM
There is some truth - you get what you pay for.
We're relatively young and not that tall and we love our 3-series.
The 5 is a great upgrade. The 7 series - I see as the 50 year old guy's car.
If I'm under 50 I go with the 5 series.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:05 AM
the 8:55 poster can't handle other people asking serious questions that effect our lives. Maybe the OP is asking because he/she has hit her goal weight and is treating themselves to a new car.....but as long as it offends someone, they are quick with rude comments.
maybe habib from PT should remove the thread because 8:55's feelings got hoo.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:05 AM
It was not rude ...
8:55' s feelings did not get hurt, I just can't believe that this topic has been posted. Go to a car forum if you want to make an informative decision. How will the op be able to gather enough feedback?
It would be like asking for the nutritional information on apples on an all you can eat beef forum.
Sounds like you are the one who is just a bit overly sensitive there 9:05. What happened did your thread get deleted?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:13 AM
Not the overly sensitive poster from 9:05, someone must have pissed in their wheaties this morning.
I have the 3 series and I like discussing everything here because I feel like people that care about their weight and their health have a good head on their shoulders and I think it's worth seeing how my pt friends think of other things. I would get so bored if we only talked about food and weight. I love when people ask advice about their husbands or their friends. I think it makes it great here and it's been like this for at least 2 years since I've been here.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:17 AM
I am the OP, and I used OT to describe the thread as 'off topic"
that said, I appreciate the feedback so far, very helpful.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 9:45 AM
this is 9:05 and nobody pissed in my wheaties
I just don't see why posters have to leave comments like the 8:55 person did. If you don't want to read the post that doesn't have to do with health or losing weight, don't open it. Absolutely no reason to leave comments like that. Maybe the OP really values PT users opinion. let them ask whatever question they want!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 10:49 AM
I like the Nissan Sentra 5 series - great acceleration!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 11:21 AM
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