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Very cool PT thing to do
I joined PT last year in late May. I was wondering about something about the time I joined so I decided to read back in my logs. I just spent the last hour doing that and it was a GREAT experience.
Learned a couple of things...
Self talk is SO important. I tended to move past trouble spots when I noted problems and did so in a kind " all is forgiven" voice, commented about what was going on, and how I would like to move ahead. This practice is all about awakening and problem solving.
Writing it down makes such a difference. I am truly grateful today for the days when I wrote a lot. I can see some big patterns, some seasonal stuff. WOW.
This all about building long term sustainable heathy practices for me. I don't ever do it "perfectly" and that is perfect. I play with ideas and figure out what works best. Sometimes I fall flat on my face. I have to pick myself up and dust myself off and sign on and log again. Just doing that helps tremendously.
There are some really great people who show up at PT. I am truly grateful for my long and short term buddies.
So check it out. Read back in your logs. I am dying to know what others find.
Tue. Apr 1, 2:05pm
Well said OP
I too have been with PT since May, and although I have not attained my goals - yet, I have seen the pitfalls that can occur, and being aware of them makes them easier to avoid!
It is a great site, easy to use, practical, useful, and informative - well done!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 2:08 PM
I am new to the site and am very glad to get all the little tips I can get. Thank you for the advice.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 2:54 PM
I went back and counted up how many types of fruit and vegetables I had eaten each day (for about a month...not my entire log), and it was absolutely fascinating. And I agree with the OP - the days I wrote notes, even if it was just a little, give lots of insight into why I did or didn't eat well any day.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 11:43 AM
Fantastic idea!! I went back and looked at my logs, and noticed a major pattern. I do great on my 'deit' for reveral days, but average 10 days / month that I don't do well. I've been fairly successful at my weight loss (45 lbs) but still have some to go (55 lbs). THIS is what has been holding me back! When I looked at it, I noticed I would feel great that I had been doing well and always start to feel like 'one day won't matter'. Clearly, it does! Thank for the reminder OP!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 1:16 PM
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