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Earth Hour

Earth Hour was great.
It made me realize that people in years gone by probably had a lot more sex than our generation.

Sat. Mar 29, 9:09pm

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I played cards with my neighbour by candle light during earth hour! What did everyone else that participated do?

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 7:29 PM

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I think it's pretty sad if your t.v. is on so much that having it off for an hour made a big difference in anyone's life. Especially sexually. I mean this genuinely! I turn my t.v. on for an hour or so a day, sometimes less, sometimes not at all. Am I alone here? Or maybe we aren't talking about t.v.? I have a feeling thats what the OP is going to say, but I can't imagine what else Earth Hour kept him or her from doing! Going on the computer?

Please explain.

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 8:12 PM

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Sadly, I don't even know what Earth Hour is. Knowing me, it's probably happening right now as I type and I'm ruining it...

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 9:44 PM

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OP here

Earth Hour was to not use any electricity or power at all. Light, computer, tv, radio, fridge. Where I live it was really cold and dark, so its not like I could read, which I do often. I like to sew, but I didn't use my sewing machine.

My god, I just started a thread about a global environmental movement and you guys get all mean and judgemental. I was curious if it changed anyone's Saturday night.

am sure your far superior to me. Your awesome. Top notch. I hope you really get off on yourself

Sunday, March 30, 2008, 10:34 PM

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Dang it! I was going to participate but forgot all about it.

Monday, March 31, 2008, 12:54 AM

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Earth Hour was suppose to turn off your LIGHTS for an hour from 8-9pm on March 29, 2008, below is a quote from their website.

"We invite everyone throughout North America and around the world to turn off the lights for an hour starting at 8 p.m. (your own local time)–whether at home or at work, with friends and family or solo, in a big city or a small town. "

Monday, March 31, 2008, 7:52 AM

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9:44 here - thanks 7:52. I don't know how I missed it. OP, I wasn't being mean & judgemental - I legit didn't know what it was.

Monday, March 31, 2008, 8:01 AM

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9:44 sorry, I was refering to the person before you. I mean, whats wrong with taking about it!? I live in a very large city, and the goal was to not use any electricity at all.

I also work for a huge corporation, and we all received the following message this morning:

(posted 03/30/08) What did you do for Earth Hour? Thank you to all associates who took part in Earth Hour, both at the office and at home. ---- would love to hear from you about what you did during this time. Email a brief description of the steps you took. We will collect the tips and share them with associates.

So is it REALLY so disgusting and offensive to ask the question I asked?
8:12 I am wondering, since you clearly believe you are truly superior, what do you do with all of your time? Make a list. Share. I am sure nothing you do is "sad"

Seriously, share with me what you do during your days and nights.

Monday, March 31, 2008, 9:37 AM

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