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My first small success as a BINGE EATER, the story of todays lunch...

There is not really a point to this post, except that I am proud of myself for avoiding a binge session, the first time I was able to see it coming and take control again before the food started controlling me. Just thought I would share my story and hopefully hear stories and comments from other people that have trouble with Binge Eating.

1 piece of pizza
about 3 small potatoes in some kind of mustard dressing
1/2 muffin
1/2 brownie thing
1 small slice apple cinnamon bread with butter.
1 small bowl of muesli like cereal with soy milk.

It was the weirdest thing, I was at a cafe having a tea and studying when this older lady insisted I take half of her lunch, she had a huge plate full of food and she said she could not eat it all and did not want to see it go to waste.

She was so nice and warm and generous I felt like I could not say no, so she dished over half of her brunch plate and I sat and ate with her. She didn't speak any English at all so it was a great chance to practice my french.

I did not even really want the food, but I felt like she was being so generous I couldn't say no, like somehow sharing her meal was making her day, like I was somehow meant to eat lunch with this stranger and it would be stupid of me not to, even though the whole time I was thinking about the calories and fat in this meal.

Anyway, after that when I got home I almost had a binge fest, but didn't. I felt like I could eat anything I wanted, more then felt like I could, I felt a kind of compulsion, like I had to eat all of the foods I am trying to avoid, all at once. My binge eating always starts that way, " Well, I've already eaten this and failed, so I should eat this, and this, and this and get all those food cravings out at the same time" etc.

I did eat a small bowl of cereal when I got home, but managed to stop it at that.

I have a bad habit of beating myself up and getting depressed when I have even one bite of something I shouldn't have. It normally spirals into a binge eating session and takes days to get back on track after just one bite of something unplanned.

Hopefully I will stay on track for the rest of the day and make today an example of what I should do in situations where I eat something I was not planning to, get back on track right away, the same day, instead of going into binge mode.

Maybe I did make that older lady's day by having lunch with her, I don't know, but I know she sure made my day. Living in a big city it is rare that people you don't know actually look you in the eyes and it was worth eating the extra calories in order to be completely surprised and refreshed by the generosity and kindness of this stranger.

Also, it was good to prove to myself that is possible to eat something you should not and leave it at that instead of taking the whole rest of the day (or week, ha ha) to binge, maybe the reason I felt like I was suppose to sit and eat with her was because I had something to learn today, and I needed to eat with her to learn it; that getting off track for one meal does not mean I have to spend three days eating the whole house.

Maybe I'm just looking for meaning and reason in the workings of the universe when in reality everything is just coincidence and chance, but somehow eating lunch with this lady seems to have given me the strength I needed to finally make a change, and break my binge eating habit.

With food I am either a complete control freak, noting every calorie that goes in my mouth, or have absolutely no control at all and eat everything, non- stop. I need to find a middle ground and today is a step in the right direction.

In any case, today was the first time I ate unplanned high calorie meal and got back on track right away, without having a complete binge. As I am currently doing a personal four week challenge that allows for four cheat meals, I will just consider this one of the four meals and say that I am still succeeding in my challenge.

Wed. Mar 11, 1:34pm

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