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Is a friendship worth it?

I've been friends with someone for almost 9 years now. We have a good friendship. She's someone I trust and we have the same sense of humor and such. However, for most of our friendship, she would say sarcastic, demeaning things to me, that no true friend should ever say. Okay, so I finally revealed to her how her comments and other things hurt my feelings a few years ago and she stopped it for the most part.

But there are a number of things that still bother me about her, like:
-I feel like I'm a low priority and she just wants to chat on her terms or when it's convenient for her. When she needs someone to talk something out with, of course, I'm always there.
-When I look put together or dressed up (I dress up pretty plain for the most part), she'll make comments, and I get the sense it's because she's jealous. Plus, she knows I don't have high self-esteem.
-A couple years ago, I got diagnosed with anxiety/depression (something I've had for a long time but didn't know) and I told her, she just didn't get how serious and paralyzing it is to have (I hide it pretty well). She wasn't supportive either. You'd think that she would research my disorder, but she didn't. It's been a long time since I have talked to her about it and she hasn't asked how I'm doing either.
-She's very flaky. For example, we went together to a party at a park in the city and took public transportation and then walked. We never had any discussions about who would figure out how to get there, but I figured out which train station to stop off at and wrote down a map to get to the park. On the day of, she never prepared herself; she basically assumed I would figure things out...I mean, what if I had not looked up the directions?

I just feel frustrated and confused. It's caused me to use food to numb my emotions and provide me with comfort (thus, prevent me from losing weight). I know I don't deserve to be treated like this, but I'm scared about being friendless if I let go of this friendship. I'm just tired of this and I'm so upset. Throughout my whole life, I always seem to make friends with people who put me down or betray me...and well here's another one!

Have you guys dealt with the same problem or have any advice to share?


Wed. Mar 11, 3:47am

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