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best workout & gym trax for my ipod?

... I need new music: mostly for running but also for a full gym workout... I need some suggestions as I'm tired of listening to the same old stuff. I tend to buy stuff on itunes, not really wanting to mess my computer with the pirate programs.......

Fri. Mar 28, 4:00pm

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I am a huge fan of Podrunner. Here's the link:

The beauty of Podrunner is the variety of music and tempo. Often I find myself having listened to a full hour during a workout and not even realizing it. Like I said...I am a HUGE Podrunner fan. There is also a Podrunner intervals site...


Friday, March 28, 2008, 5:31 PM

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There are a bunch of websites where you can download mixes. I like electro and house mixes. They last long, the rhythm is fast and you can image you are doing something fun = like dancing in a club, instead of in some gym. has a techno mix section

Saturday, March 29, 2008, 10:02 PM

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if you're using itunes....

hm... well, there is a *sweet* compilation series on itunes that I always use for the running machine........... ....... if that link doesn't work, try seaching itunes for "euro club hits" -- it's the one with the logo and the different colors in back .... cheers

Monday, March 31, 2008, 2:25 PM

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if you're using itunes...

hm... well, there is a *sweet* compilation series on itunes that I always use for the running machine........... ....... if that link doesn't work, u could try this one ...... or try seaching itunes for "euro club hits" -- it's the one with the logo and the different colors in back .... cheers


Monday, March 31, 2008, 2:29 PM

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if you're using itunes....

yeah I agree, it's just a lot easier to download from itunes then mess around with other stuff.....

If you're looking for workout/gym music on itunes, I highly recommend you start here:

....... if that link doesn't work, u could try this one ......

or try searching itunes for "euro club hits" -- it's the one with the logo and the different colors in back .... cheers

Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 7:41 AM

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