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Walking for Health & Breast Cancer!

Hi There!!

Are there any other PT members who are walking the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk in 2006?

This will be my 2nd walk! :-)

I'm looking for others to join my team, "Think Pink!" and if anyone would
like to support me in my training efforts, please feel free to post a message on my log.. :-)

I've also included a link on my log to my donor's page (each walker has to raise $2,200 this year for breast cancer--last year, my team of 11 raised nearly $30,000)

Check out my progress and/or walk with me this year while I train for the 3-Day / 60 mile walk for the Susan G. Komen Foundation... (3 days - 20 miles each day.)

Last year I trained about 250 miles before the walk. THis year, I've started earlier and hope to train about 600 miles before the walk!!



Tue. Jan 31, 11:07am

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Detroit 3-Day Walkers Group is looking for active members!

If you're interested in training or "walking" with us as we train, please stop by and join our group!


Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 2:32 PM

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Photoshop "Diet" for Donations to my Walk!

Hi Everyone!
If anyone is interested in having a "now" picture changed to a "goal" picture,
I would be willing to use Photoshop to do a "PHotoshop diet" and slim you down! :-)

My thought is that if you are interested, I will do it for a donation to my Breast Cancer Walk! :-)

Post a comment on my Public Log or on this thread and I'll find a way to get your photo, do a little photoshop magic to help you visualize your "slimmer you" for short term weight loss and inspiration... :-)

Let me know if you're interested--If so, post a comment on my Public Log and I'll find a way to get your photo! :-)


Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 9:23 PM

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Great Cause!
Keep on walking!

Wednesday, February 1, 2006, 6:52 PM

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breast cancer walk

Quick question, does anyone else find the demands for the avon breast cancer walk a little high? $1800 a person seems very high to me. Shouldn't all donations and pledges be something to cheer about. And on top of the $1800, they want $55 for registration. I have decided not to do the walk just for these reasons. The American Cancer Society has a walk that is happy with any pledges and no registration, I feel better already about my choice. Any thoughts?

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 3:32 PM

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The 3-Day sign up is $90 and $2200 in donations... :-)

The Avon is actually less money to raise.

How many miles / days is the Avon Walk?
I found that it was pretty easy to get money from people when I started getting higher up in mileage during my training.

The $90 covers the cost of our meals and tents for the 3 days / 2 nights (plus t-shirts, support, etc.)

I didn't think I could raise the money, but it was a lot easier than I thought....

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 4:31 PM

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Oh, and my team of 11 people ended up raising almost $28,000 towards the foundation!

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 4:32 PM

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Depending on the cause, fundraising minimums can be significant. But it dies insure a level of dedication by the participants. And the organization does have to cover the costs of the event as well.

Team in Training minimums for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society range from $1,800-$4,900 depending on the event (but $4,900 would cover the cost of travel to a place like Hawaii for the event)

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 5:26 PM

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THere's a Teams in Training event at the Grand Canyon this year... Sounds like an interesting event, but I haven't been able to find out what the fundraising minimum is, or other info on the actual event...

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 5:44 PM

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This is the team in training grand canyon event details

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 7:27 PM

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I belive the minimum for that event is $2500. But that may depend on where you because of travel expenses

Thursday, February 2, 2006, 7:31 PM

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Hi Everyone!
Bumping this post to the top!
I've passed my 75 mile mark.. :-) which means I'm almost 1/3 of the way to the number of MIles I walked Last year--(250) prior to the walk! and I've done this in just over a month! :-)

Woo hoo!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006, 3:18 PM

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Fund Raising

Ladies (and gentleman if there are some), the money goes to a good cause and if you navigate around the site a bit you will find some great tips on fund raising. One of the best ones I found was to have a neighborhood yard sale, you get together with all the neighbors and friends you can and tell them what you are doing. Ask them for items to donate to the sale and let them know that what they sell for will go towards the money you need to raise for such a great cause! It works! Write letters to your favorite restaurants, stores etc. and go to the owner or manager and let them know what you are doing you will be surprised how much help you get! It is a small price to pay to help out! If you don't feel you can extend that much, donate to another walker and be a crew member, any bit will help out! Good luck to all of you!


Monday, February 20, 2006, 7:48 PM

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Woo HOo!!!!!!!!!!! 100 miles as of March 1, 2006

Hey Ladies! I'm just keeping everyone updated!

As of March 1, I have just surpassed 100 miles! (As soon as I get my home internet connection fixed, I'll update my ticker!)

Can't believe that I've walked 100 miles since Jan. 14. :-) I'm averaging about 15 miles a week (so far). about 23.5 more weeks until the Walk in Detroit. :-) As I get closer to the walk, my mileage will begin to increase. :-) Hoping to get in about 600 by the time August Rolls around... If I don't do any increases, I will walk at least 350 more miles!

Last year, I only walked 250 miles of training walks (in total) before the actual walk. I'm almost 1/2 way to that mark already this year, and it's still almost 6 months away!! :-)

Thursday, March 2, 2006, 11:00 AM

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Oops, I forgot to post my link!

If anyone would care to donate, I am welcoming all contributions for this very important cause!!!



Thursday, March 2, 2006, 11:02 AM

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