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help with my back

Hello all, I have two herniated discs in my lower lumbar and just finished my second lumbar epidural steroid injection. I am still hurting and was wandering if there is any stretches that I can do to try and help myself out. Since this has happened I have lost basically all of my flexibility due to the pain but now feel that I may be able to do some stretches, but at the same time do not want to reverse any progress that the injections have brought. I am still due for one more injection in a few weeks. thanks for any help, this has been hindering me for about 8 months now and just want it to end so bad.

Thu. Mar 27, 4:26pm

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Your doctor should have prescribed physical thearpy. If not, call and get in ASAP. Disc herniations are too risky to take advice over the internet. If you do the wrong thing you can make it worse.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 4:31 PM

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PP is right - ask your doctor !

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 4:38 PM

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I herniated L3-L5 years ago and suffered every year with pain and limited mobility. I have also been very active. A few years ago a physical therapist suggested Pilates. After another painful episode I found a trainer of Pilates. In the year and a half that I have been doing Pilates I have not had a problem. I still have occasional pain but not like what I would have with a major episode.

I have been told that once you herniate a disc it is always herniated (or prone to herniation) unless you have surgery. So be VERY careful with any exercise. Don't exercise when you are in pain unless it is something prescribed by a physical therapist.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 5:01 PM

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I have had back surgery for a herniated disk (after multiple steroid injections) and the one constant thing that all professionals told me is that each back patient is different and has their own set of triggers, and different things help different people.

GO TO A GOOD PHYSICAL THERAPIST!!! Yes, it's been said before, but this cannot be said enough times. They will guide you through stretches and strength exercises that are right for you, but you need to work with someone. The exercises are indeed a lot like pilates, but the instruction is one on one, tailored to you and more focused.

You really, really don't want surgery.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 5:53 PM

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You would trust a forum full of strangers with no verifiable medical background for advice about a diagnosed back condition for which you are receiving treatment?? I'm trying to think of a nice way to avoid calling you a dumbass, but I'm at a loss. Ask the doctor you apparently see on a regular basis.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 6:34 PM

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