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Exercise Level and Routine

I am a beginner and I exercise 3 days a week on the treadmill between 3.2 and 3.5 mph (alternating elevation) for about 30-40 minutes and 2 days doing a strength training video (40 minutes with 3 lb weights). I hope that is enough to lose weight...because it feels like alot.

I was curious as to what fitness levels others in the PT community are at right now, and what your routine is at that level.

Thu. Mar 27, 1:44pm

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It is enough if you are also watching your food intake. Also, I suggest increasing the weights at least every two weeks so you can use 5-10 pounds on some exercises.

I am very fit (5'3", female, about 115 pounds) and use a set of 8, 15 and 20 pound weights. (45-60 min, 3x a week). The 20-lb. is not enough on some exercises, but it would be a strain on my wrists and elbows to pick them up without a spotter. I also do intense cardio (running, 45-60 min) 3x a week.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 2:07 PM

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I think you are doing great.
18 months ago I was in the worst shape of my life 40 pounds overweight and no exercise at all. So I started slow just doing eliptical and a little weights like you and just upped it little by little and now I work out 1.75 hours a day 5 x a week (1/4 weights and 3/4 cardio) and am in the best shape of my life. I can bench 225 lbs and did a 1/2 marathon in the fall.
With your excellent activity level (take it up a notch slowly over time) it is all about the calories you consume in order to lose weight. Take a look at that part of the equation too, it can be challenging, but you can do it! !

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 2:19 PM

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