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AHHHHHH - carbs ! -

I have been sucessfully following a very strict diet, and at home I can be strong but need to last for just 4 more days at my parent (house/baby-sitting). There are dozens of every kind of delicious cereal and beautiful breads - (my Kryptonite!), plus I am bored there. I am going to break!

I need encouragement ! ! HELP

Wed. Mar 26, 5:46pm

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Don't do it, OP!! It's momentary pleasure that may unleash a carbo-binge! It's not worth it. And boredom is never a reason to eat!! You can do it.

Maybe ask someone to bag up a small amount of the goodies and let that be your 'prize' for getting through the next 4 days. Take it with you on your way out the door, then you won't be able to go nuts on the stuff, but you still have a little bit to look forward to and enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 7:58 PM

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I have been dieting for 12 4 week months today and until this last time I took one of my free days. I give myself one day a month, I did fine going right back to a rigid diet. This time I am fighting it like you wouldn't believe. I don't believe it. I am with the above poster. Don't do it. It isn't worth it.
When you work so hard and then you undo or at least stall the progress. And for what? Food.
That I think is what frustrates me the most. It is just food. But it talks to you doesn't it. Well talk back. Do your best to be strong. I am rootin' for ya.

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 12:45 AM

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I can't even believe I am saying this, but I totally screwed it up. My stressed and pregnant wife wanted me to take her out for ice cream and we REALLY needed a fun and relaxing date, so I took her out and it was all downhill from there, I ate so much last night.
That was before I read the above great responses. I am resolved not to look back but to do better for the last three days we are there.
thanks for the encouragement... I will not mess up again....I hope...

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 11:30 AM

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