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my experience that has made me go back on a diet.

ok. here is a true story that just happened to me. unfortunatly.
the local bike days have invaded our fair city. this means lots of people and greasy food. not a good combination to start with. i was all set to behave myself. i checked out all the vendors till i came across one that had a grilled chicken breast with fresh veggies on a tort wrap. i was so proud. we took our wares to a clearing they had set up with picnic tables. now on a normal day i would have set on the same side as the hubby but today i thought, i will sit with my son. now mind you he is 6ft 3 and weighs 250ish lbs. they were already at the table when i sat down. we finished our food and was getting ready to leave the table so the next set of fair goers could sit down. thats when all hell broke loose. hubby gets up and sets off a chain of events that i will never live down in our small town. as he stands up the side of our table goes down like a teeter totter. his side flips him into the air like a rag doll. the woman at the next table screams. now everyone is looking at us. the table is in the air. we are now sitting on the seat with our backs to the floor. in a few moments that seem like hours all returns to normal and we walk away as if it never happened. today i realized i need that diet more than ever.

Sat. Jul 11, 5:55pm

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